Further Reading

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Madeleine McCann: Lesotho?

Lesotho: Why would a 4 year old girl be taken there?

This was an unintentional predictive exercise which I found myself in earlier tonight. It is only included in ALITD in case some of the information is useful. If I totally dismiss the information -- I've trained myself to accept everything I receive until I can dismiss it by logical conclusion or by disproving it -- and something comes to light in the future somehow similar to the transcript below, then I will be upset for putting personal discomfort before the potential safety of a little girl ...

'Where is Madeleine McCann now?
' I asked.

I heard it clearly in the right side of my mind. I was expecting nothing but my own thoughts at that moment. Lesotho is in South Africa? Why would the trail lead the little girl to Africa? Perhaps ... to keep her out of the public eye? But then ... Lesotho is hot and dusty and not the most suitable of places to take a 4 year old girl? Therefore my logical brain dismisses this 'insight' ... she wouldn't be taken there??

'Who's she with'? I ask now
'A minister.' The voice is gentler than the one before. Calm in its manner.

'Why a minister?'
No reply.

'Why a minister?' I ask again
'Because she is ...' The voice is impatient with me.

'This is the 4 year old little girl who was snatched from an apartment in Portugal?'

I take the silence to be an indication I must cease the line of enquiry. Dismiss the information? It is a dead end surely? Not something worth scrutiny? Perhaps I shouldn't publish this post? Delete it all ... but then, what if in months to come this information did prove to be correct? What then ... ???

What do the people's of Lesotho look like as I now have an image of traditional African tribesmen in the back of my mind. Three old men with long sticks watching a dusty fawn coloured land rover arrive in their village. There is a church minister dressed in black getting out of the vehicle; with him there is a little girl and a women with blond hair. This woman is dressed in light clothing; is slimly built and fairly attractive. She is insistent that the little girl needs to get inside; the little girl is fine ... just tired and thirsty. She is recovering from a sedative. Towards then wanders a scowling black haired woman ... who greets the minister; grabs the little girl roughly and ignores the blond woman. The blond woman gets back into the car ... and drives away ...

'Where is this taking place?'
'Deep in the heart land of the country. The place is Mak?????ba ...' I was unable to hear the name clearly (but it is NOT Maseru the capital though I get the impression they visited there before heading north) ... is it Maqhaqa??

But why would a little 4 year old girl be taken to Lesotho in South Africa? I cannot see it myself ..

'Who is it that is giving me this controversial information?' I ask then ...
'A relation' The reply
'A relation to who?' I ask ...
'A relation to the little girl'
'Who?' I see an withered, tired looking woman -- someone who appeared old but who had an illness which made her age towards the end of her life
'I am related to the little girl's mother.'
No reply ... but I get the impression of 'Great Auntie'
'Look to where she was given a name. Not Maddy ... but another name?'
'What is that name ...'
No reply ... but I sense 'a fighter' of a woman who had a long term illness or sickness ... cancer maybe for one but there was other ailments. She was determined, spirited, and blunt with her manner.

I stop it there as this 'does not feel right' ... I will post it on ALITD in case it is correct (in places maybe) ... but as this is new territory to me ... I'm not happy doing this. I apologise therefore at this point to anyone who takes offence from this post (if you contact me I will remove the post). A background: I have helped clients with genuine concern and general ability for many years; I've always shied away from any attention relating to insights and mediumship I've given out. Now is no different. This is put here to help in the only way I know how ... if this information is helpful then I have done what I intended ...

The woman is not tall - 5 foot 3 inches maximum ... related to Jimmy (but it is a common name which the sceptics will rip me to pieces for) ... a sense of a postmaster or postman ... bad rheumatoid arthritis ... which is a common complaint I know. The village which is familiar to her has a very striking ancient monument in its centre. There is a grassed area like a village green ... ????????

Again I am concerned with this information! I may well remove this posting in the days that follow ....