Further Reading

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Predictions Can Be Wrong ...

Human error is the biggest stumbling block in any prediction made through clairvoyance or mediumship or psychic means -- it is also the 'weakness' which sceptics the world over seize upon to ridicule the medium or psychic with; which they will do given the first excuse. Remember though, us so called 'gifted ones' (and I use that term with sarcasm as it is a term I especially hate), are only human too, programmed with our own personal issues. Our own lives can cloud our vision and influence our interpretations. I know the scenario well ... for every prediction I get right ... there can be five or six predictions which go astray.

However, I have the firm foundations of a proven natural gift and over 20 years of repeated feedback from established clients here in New Zealand and in my home country the UK. So many people have sat before my table who are openly sceptical of my 'art' and also dismissive of the 'impossible things' I've said to them -- these same people are always the first to contact me to let me know the impossible came true ... a perfect example springs to mind:

A lady came to me in the north of England, for a reading some 15 years ago. I turned the rune cards and advised her that her relationship was not as it seemed. There would be a series of changes in her life over the next eighteen months. I revealed to her she would be working in an Old People's home in two years time ..

The lady was very dismissive of my information. She told me she was happily married and it would be impossible for her to be working in an old people's home.

Anyway, to cut to the chase ... I was contacted by this lady some three years later for another reading. I didn't remember her at first. But then she related the reading to me and then gave me her background. At the time of the reading, her and her husband owned a Newsagent's shop. Business appeared to be booming, but she had niggling doubts in her mind about her husband. It was why she'd come to me for a reading at the time.

Two weeks later after the initial reading she had with me, her husband revealed to her that he was having an affair and was leaving her ... a few days after that shock she found out her husband hadn't been paying the bills for the newsagents -- supplier's letter began to arrive at her door as well as bank overdraft warning letters.

She ended up losing the Newsagency business and becoming bankrupt. She remembered what I'd told her ... and noticed a vacancy in the local paper for a job in an Old People's home!!! It was the only vacancy she was eligible for!!! She got the job ... and it was within the two years I'd predicted to her ...

Anyway, we do get predictions wrong. We make mistakes like anyone in their job ... it is human nature. There is a fine line between getting the information right and getting it wrong. There are so many factors involved with the information ... so many chances for it to be doomed to failure ... however, as far as the sceptical world goes, it is only when we get it wrong that the public gets to hear about it!!! Rarely does the public get to hear about the psychics and the mediums who accurately predict events and provide accurate personal predictions. It is just the nature of the sceptical beast to use every opportunity they can to discredit us ...

Take this current News headline story for example:

"Fortune teller predicted happiness for murdered Earl – a day before he died"

The UK Daily Mail have run with this story:

A fortune teller told the Earl of Shaftesbury that happiness lay ahead of him less than 24 hours before his death, a court heard today. Martine Dupre-Cordier said the 10th earl, Anthony Ashley-Cooper, visited her near Cannes on November 4 2004 to ask for advice on his troubled love life. Lord Shaftesbury was in the process of divorcing his third wife, Jamila M'Barek - who stands accused of plotting his murder, along with her brother Mohammed - and was having an affair with another woman, Nadia Orch. The fortune-teller, who was paid 50 euros (£35) for the private consultation with the 66-year-old earl, said she told him his divorce would go smoothly, and that happiness lay ahead of him. Philippe Soussi, the lawyer for the Ashley-Cooper family, asked Ms Dupre-Cordier: "Did you predict his death?" She replied: "No."

However, the headline relating to the Psychic getting it wrong is not really relevant to the rest of this news story about adultery -- murder -- deception. Therefore it appears it was a deliberate dig at the psychic for getting it wrong! What a world we live in!

Like I say ... we are ONLY human and we do get it wrong at times. Next time the Sceptic -- wherever he or she may be, in whatever profession he or she may be -- makes a mistake in their professional life, let's hope there isn't someone waiting in the wings to pounce on them to belittle them for showing weakness!! They would then find what it is like on the receiving end of their debawking ...