Further Reading

Saturday, 2 June 2007


The fixed star Algol has always been associated with disaster, with 'loosing one's head' and there is ample evidence for the truth of this view, found in both, individual and mundane horoscopes. Just to name a few of examples:

*JFK, shot in the head, had Mars conjunct Algol.

*Princess Diana, visiting AIDS victims and walking through minefields, had Venus in that place.

*Albert Einstein, who unwittingly laid the foundation for nuclear weapons, had Pluto conjunct this star, which is called "Heap of Bodies" by Chinese astrologers.

*The invention of the guillotine and the bloodbath of the French revolution were connected to a solar eclipse on Algol in 1790 and the following transits over the Algol/eclipse point,

*The recent foot and mouth outbreak in the UK was accompanied by the transit of Saturn over Algol in 2001.

To learn more about fixed stars and Algol in particular, visit the website of Diana K. Rosenberg.