Transcript 9.05pm - 9:21pm
Saturday 2nd June 2007
New Zealand
I'm trying to see the wood for the trees. The understanding of this situation is as straight forward as that. We are looking at trees and believing they are trees, because we are told they are trees. We must therefore somehow believe they are not.
'You will be surprised when you learn where she was?'
Who is this?
NO REPLY. Only silence.
'It's really not what it seems'
How. In what way?
'The sheep are having the wool thrown over their eyes by the big bad wolf. False trails lead into an area of the forest where they will only get lost.'
Are you going to tell me where she is?
'I, we, already have.'
But she's been moved?
Where to now?
'Back and forwards the pendulum swings. Keeping track of the trail they know where is safe and where not to go. Their spear of influence stretches far. Still waters run deep. Those who are guilty are already in the public eye. Those who hold the aces and call the shots know where and know why. They waste time. '
Why. To what end?
'They wait for pieces to fall into place. They wait for the marionettes to jump and dance and say what it is they are meant to say. They wait for ...................... reaction. They wait for ........................'
Will her abductors make demands?
'No. They are not abductors. They merely borrow here for a cause.'
So they will return here then?
In what way?
'They must be seen to ...................'
She is still alive then the little girl?
'Oh yes, she has to be. She will be.'
Who are you that is speaking to me?
'I've been before'
The women or the man?
'The women. I must tell you of the cliffs and the webs. Of the faces the police have already seen. I must name her name. Her name is .........................................., though she is not with her anymore. They who have her now are ............................'
'Watch out for the lady who reappears back on the scene. Who was right there from the start. One of two to arouse suspicion. One of the many who are never revealed to the public eyes.'
NO REPLY .... end this now; danger's eyes watch. A woman stalks your words; so does a man.