Further Reading

Saturday 20 October 2007

Daily Merlin: Old Ground; Old Trails

Daily Merlin Insight (Servants Of The Light)
Sat 20th October 2007
11:10pm - 11:58pm

Insights gained indirectly tonight. Images chosen by way of another open channel commencing with The Star image. The Shining Star ... the significator for Madeleine McCann. With no particular focus ... I intuit there is a specific reason for information provided in this way.

A look at the working reveals familiar 'faces' appearing around the Star ... the User of Weapons, The Priest, The User of Spheres, the Maker of Staves and the User of Staves ... have all had their 'part' to play in the mystery. This appertains thus I assume to the gathering of information ... or collected information perhaps known somewhere ... or perhaps the true investigation that is being recorded somewhere by someone.

I feel drawn once more to Malta ..the shape of the crystal casting draws my attention to that stage in the mystery. Indeed we have the User of Spheres ... which links to the time I intuited after Maddy was on Malta. Because I believe firmly she was indeed on Malta. This trail has been covered by someone somewhere with all the cruel speculation since the beginning of August.

One of those sightings will have been Maddy .. I'm now more sure than ever. The Priest who I glean as the Wounded Healer stands between the User of Spheres and the User of Weapons like he knows both of them. Perhaps even they know each other. I symbolise the User of Weapons, once more, as Gerry McCann ... in his capacity as the family man. Outside of work and outside of his associations ... as the father he is not the 'same person' as he is in business. He appears known by this Wounded Healer socially ... the Priest significator perhaps of someone who is now retired ... and who he may have worked with at one time .. or had even been trained by? The reference to the Priest perhaps links to the religious stance of this Wounded Healer ... perhaps he has passed judgement or comment on the intended way Gerry & Kate were planning to conceive their first child? Maybe it caused a real hullabaloo Maybe this confrontation resulted in a chain reaction along the line ... along the network ... that part I can't understand ... but the juggler in the User of Spheres appears to be linked ... by way of having taking custody of Maddy; taken her out of circulation ... made her disappear for reasons of her safety ... his actions perhaps unbeknown to Gerry & Kate. .. for I cannot sense at all that Gerry had prior knowledge that Maddy was about to disappear ... though I do sense Gerry had some fore knowledge that something had been planned or someone was displeased with him somewhere within the organisational chain. He seems also to have an agenda to adhere to ....

The Maker Of Staves I sense as being their current spokesperson ... the former hand of the Unicorn .... there before the world ... dealing with the transcripts and claims of the tabloid worker bees. Following an agenda ...not necessarily to the pleasure of the McCanns ...but acting out an agenda that approximates to their protection ... but then on the other side of the Star we see the User of Staves ... and a hand being played that destroys the effects of a dark force ... already deemed as the insinuations of the PJ and their wanton claims ... the mission thus of the User of Staves is to neutralise that dark force at all cost ... perhaps their spokesman primarily is protecting someone else's back ... other than the McCanns with his volunteer role as spokesman ... I wonder who put him up to volunteering for the role and what the motives were for this change of 'career'? It may not be anything at all ... but their spokesman does seem to have two different roles to fulfill around this situation. More appears to be known that is revealed to the public ... there is something so much more under the covers ...

Finally the 3 of Staves and the Lovers. The granted harmony for the McCanns by a higher agency ... a ruling that brings the harmony back into their lives ... in three stages it seems ... firstly the obvious the exoneration by officialdom that they are indeed innocent ... what the other two stages represent .... one must surely be the safe return of Madeleine ... once the true trail is followed ... when it is permitted to be followed ... as it seems that direction is being averted deliberately at this moment in time by those who know where she is and where that trail leads. Intelligence is being informed to look in the wrong direction as the time has not yet come to pass when she can be returned. The objective of those who are in the know is to most certainly let Maddy go .... and provide the harmony in the lives of the McCanns. Backtracking the investigation to the time of Malta ... is gleaned to be necessary .... disregarding the recent slurs and turning attention back to earlier claims of sightings ... checking out the Maltese terrain more should uncover clues in the trail. Linking to Sicily or even Corsica might also uncover something of significance ... there has been a reason why this trail was hidden through subterfuge ... someone somewhere will permit this trail to be revealed a little more to avert attention away from other places .... again.