Further Reading

Saturday 20 October 2007

Healing Hands

Spiritual healing is closely related to the work of the medium, in that both require contact with the spirit world. If we accept that those in spirit have a knowledge which far exceeds our own, then it follows they must know how to effect cures in a way which is beyond our comprehension.

Therefore the healer (medium) is not the cause of the cure, but rather a bridge for healing power, bringing that power to the patient via his/her contact with the spirit worlds. Healers can often identify a complaint without being told, instinctively laying their hands on the affected area. Depending on the condition of the patient and severity of the complaint, cures can be effected almost immediately or take many sessions. Not all who ask are cured of course, there may be many reasons for this, but the number of people who have at least received some relief from their ailments, is amazingly high.

Apart from the method of laying on hands, there is another form of healing that has gained recognition - absent healing. Unlike the healer who can touch a patient, absent healing, as it name suggests, is performed when the patient is away. The distance is unimportant, a healer in England could send healing to a patient in America, it really doesn't matter.

Many churches, healers and psychic development groups hold an absent healing list. This is a list where people can write down the name of someone they feel needs help, along with their ailment. This list is then used by the healing group to send out thoughts to those who need it.

To a certain extent we have covered a good part of this in the above text, but it is worth expanding a little further. Man is composed of three parts, the mind, the body and the spirit, when the three are in harmony good health follows. But should the balance become unstable, illness can result. Conventional medicine therefore tends to deal with physical symptoms only. Healing however concentrates on the subtle levels of spirit and mind. The idea being, to restore the harmony and balance that gave cause to the illness. Once the healing is directed to the patient, inner tensions are reduced, and the patients own system is able to concentrate on the healing process.

People new to healing often describe their first experience as very relaxing and soothing, sometimes uplifting and refreshing. The medical profession is even beginning to recommend this type of treatment. There are probably many cultures throughout the world that have a similar form of healing, but the amazing results are what ultimately count.

A healer will usually enquire as to how he can help, but often this is not necessary, as they have a wonderful way of being able to sense what's wrong. You can sit in a chair or lay down, whichever you prefer, the healer then begins by either holding your hands or placing his hands on your shoulders. This initial contact helps them to link to you. Once the link is formed they may concentrate on the area that is of concern, either by placing their hands on that area or holding them a few inches away.

Try to relax and have a positive attitude as this will aid the healing process. While the healer is working you may notice that a sensation of heat, slight tingling or trembling emanates from his hands, all good signs that healing is taking place.

UPDATE (2nd March 2009): following the request of some folk in the US and it only took them 18 months to make the request... I removed the original image which was apparently their copyright image. Therefore .... to you people I send an extra amount of healing energy. xxx