Further Reading

Sunday 25 November 2007

Brugh na Bóinne (Newgrange)

How is it named?
For the river that rises in the bog of Allen
And flows to the sea at Inver Colpa.
Called after Boand, Goddess of the rivers.
Peat dark and slow meandering
Making it’s lazy way through the land.

The Dagda had his house here,
And Angus Og after him,
In the wide bend of the river.
Angus of the generous hospitality,
With inexhaustible ale
And meat and fruit
To feed his many guests.

Lugh of the long arm lies here,
And Slaine, king of the Fir-Bolg,
Buried atop his hill.
Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth,
Look down on the valley.
Resting places of the great
Warriors and Chieftains,

It was here, at Linn Feic,
That the hero Finn McCumhaill
Caught the salmon of knowledge.
Burned his thumb on the hot flesh
And tasted before Finegas the Poet.

Wide green valley, lush with rich grass.
Cattle and sheep shall thrive here.
And fruit trees of all kinds shall flourish.
Fish abound in the stream,
And stags frequent the forest.

You shall not hunger long
In the Valley of the Boinne.