Further Reading

Sunday 25 November 2007

Insight on Aura Soma

Aura-Soma is the name of a colour system which has since its birth in 1983 circled the planet. At the heart of the system is a range of colour combination bottles known as Equilibrium, glittering dual coloured combinations of oil over water which provide the method and means for this non-intrusive soul therapy.

In a consultation clients are invited to select the colour combinations to which they are most drawn and this selection provides both the basis for insight into the client's life from the soul perspective and also the principal tool to balance the situation revealed through the consultation.

Much has been written about the system and its tools elsewhere. This article will explore the relationship between light and the body in conjunction with insights from the Aura-Soma colour system.

The very name Aura-Soma indicates that this system is intimately connected with this subject. The name was received in inspiration soon after the birth of the first bottles. "Aura" means "an emanation" or "energy field", a field that is commonly perceived in terms of light and colour. "Soma" means "body" as in "psychosomatic" for example. The name Aura-Soma declares the intention of the system and the potential it offers: a connection between an energy field - light - and the body. As "Aura" and "Soma" are connected by the hyphen, so the light field and the body are not separate but in fact two aspects of a deeper underlying unity, part of one energy continuum.

This idea is no longer foreign to the world of science, but is borne out by the quantum physicists who work at the cutting edge of the scientific investigation into the nature of reality. Since the turn of this century their discoveries have seen an evolution in scientific understanding leading to the awareness that the smallest building blocks of life are not really solid at all but are forces of energy. It is work that has the most profound implications for how we see ourselves and the universe around us.

The physical world, of which the body is a part, is ultimately not solid or constant but simply the product of an energy field. A field within which forces of energy seem to turn on and off at random, causing the smallest particles to appear and disappear. This is almost impossible to truly comprehend since at our level of reality it implies that everything of the material world - including our physical bodies, everything that provides structure and solidity, is potentially twinkling in and out of existence. Thus at the most profound level of reality science is finding a light / body interface.

Let's explore further how light and colour interface with the material world in which we live. The world is full of coloured objects. With the technological wizardry available to us today colour has largely become superficial, a consumer choice in the material world, an incidental to the substance and structure of each object. However in the natural world, a world which in reality we remain merely a part, colour can be seen to provide a fundamental clue to the real nature of each thing. Colour operates as a signature to inform the beholder of the object's gifts and qualities. The violet of lavender and amethyst for example indicating the soothing quality of each.

It is called the Science of Signatures and its secrets and knowledge have been passed on down through the ages albeit in a quiet way.

Within Aura-Soma colour is not superficial but the key to the whole system. Until each empty bottle receives its oil and water fractions it is indistinguishable from every other empty bottle. In Equilibrium it is the colours (sometimes bright, sometimes subtle, always beautiful) that make the difference. However what is particularly striking about the colours in Equilibrium is that they are illuminated by light passing through them. While all material objects are coloured, it is nearly always a reflection of light off the outer surface that we see.

Bodies are material and light bounces off matter. Light and matter are different, separate. Yet with something transparent such as Equilibrium this distinction begins to break down. Here light is able to shine through matter.

Colour is not superficial but an expression of the inside shining through. We do not often get to see the inner colours of something illuminated. Yet by virtue of Equilibrium's transparency the inner nature of each bottle is literally revealed.

Aura-Soma's gift is that it provides a way for the inner nature to reveal itself, to reveal itself as colour and thus speak the language of light. This may be an unfamiliar concept in the 20th century western world, nevertheless it has a long pedigree. In many of the world's ancient wisdom traditions the language of colour plays an integral part in the evolution of the Soul. For instance in the Bardo Thodol - the Tibetan Book of the Dead - it is said that following the soul's withdrawal from the body it is exposed to a succession of flashes of light and colour. This light and colour is perceived independently of the five senses which have disappeared with the body.

It is consciousness itself that is witnessing light and colour. How consciousness responds to each of these successive flashes will be the measure of the level of awareness and skill the soul has attained through practice in relation to the areas of life implied by the colours.

Furthermore the soul's response to these flashes of light and colour will determine the circumstances into which it will incarnate in its next rebirth. It is no accident that the term used to describe a key part of the process of realisation of spirit should be "enlightenment", the perception of a flash of intense pure light.

From this perspective light and colour are deeply significant and play a key role in shaping our experience. They relate to consciousness that transcends the physical body.

They are the key for the soul spiral (the term Vicky Wall - the founder of Aura-Soma - liked to use to describe that essence which continued from life to life) to continue its journey in other dimensions, and also the guide by which the soul spiral may return to this dimension again as a new incarnation. Most importantly light and colour continue to be the guide for the awareness that sits within us during our time on earth.

Colour is the vocabulary of life. Each colour refers to areas of experience, qualities, thoughts and feelings. All that exists appears in colour. Colour is the raiment in which the multiplicity of life adorns itself and by which consciousness recognises the fundamental nature of each thing. This inner consciousness may be imperceptible to our everyday levels of consciousness, nevertheless it is always present and witnessing the activity of our life. It is the light of awareness within the body.

This light of awareness, this soul spiral, is usually referred to in Aura-Soma as the True Aura.

It is the innermost quality of ourselves. It relates to a colour, a ray with which it has affinity, a path in which this fragment of light is evolving through the aeons, learning its lessons and refining its qualities. In this incarnation the True Aura will bring its present perfection of the colour ray with which it is involved to a life situation, a set of circumstances which may themselves also be expressed as a colour. Thus at the most fundamental level each life may be seen as colour meeting colour. Just as in Equilibrium two colour fractions meet.

There is a True Aura and there there is a physical vehicle, the light and the body. The task is to bring the two together. This is the work of Aura-Soma. It is implicit in the name as we have seen above. Synchronous with the process of these two, the True Aura and the body, coming together is the creation of a third thing - a light body. The light body is different from the True Aura.

The True Aura always is. The light body is something that is developed through awareness. It has to be nurtured, developed and built up.

Aura-Soma is a soul therapy. Working with Aura-Soma as a soul therapy ripens the seed of the True Aura so that it may become active in the ground of the physical body. The development of the light body is supported by stimulating consciousness and supporting the integration of the True Aura with the life circumstances of the material world.

Let us look at an analogy from the world of Aura-Soma which brings another example of different phenomena coming together to create a third thing. This analogy concerns the Equilibrium bottles. They are composed of two mutually exclusive elements, oil and water, yet each fraction is only half of the equation. Equilibrium would not be what it is if it were only oil or only water. It is the combination that creates something greater than the sum of its parts. Indeed when using Equilibrium these two halves are required to be brought together time and again as a temporary emulsion of the two is obtained by shaking the bottle before use. Oil and water, light and the body, spirit and matter. It is when apparent opposites are unified in something greater that a larger wholeness may be realised.

To conclude it will be revealing to look at one particular Equilibrium bottle and see what light it sheds on this subject, to me it seems to contain the essence of this theme. Equilibrium #B55 is called The Christ - a title that caused Vicky Wall much soul searching when she had the inspiration to name it so. This combination appears as a Clear fraction over a Red fraction. It addresses the theme of the light and the body in a very direct way. Red is for grounding, the material world, and the physical body which is our ground, the vehicle that enables us to interact with this plane of reality. Clear is the pure light, pure energy. In the Christ combination light and matter, Clear and Red, are joined. The demonstration of the life of Jesus the Christ bears testimony to this. The Son of the Father but born through a woman to humanity, a being both of the material world and the spiritual world. The physical body died on the Cross but the light body arose and soon ascended. Being light, gravity cold not hold it - it had no mass. It is interesting that christians come together each week to celebrate mass, that which keeps bodies from being pure energy! But then again this is the whole point. We incarnated to be in the body, not to escape from it, but to redeem it. Christ is often associated with sacrifice, but the root of sacrifice is not to forego something, it literally means to "make holy". To know this material body to be a light body - pure energy.

The truth that Einstein formulated as E = mc2. Mass and energy are interchangeable. Aura-Soma is light and colour made material in a bottle. We appear as a material body that could be light and colour. Feeding the energies of Aura-Soma to ourselves we can remember and live as the light.