Further Reading

Monday 7 January 2008

Daily Merlin Insight

For Monday 7th January 2008
Using Servants of the Light tarot
NZ: 9:55pm - 10:35pm

'Insights relating to a working that 'explores' the mystery at a time just prior to the first "blood on the wall" speculation that appeared in August 2007 ... '

Music - "Awakenings" by Tim Wheater

A real sense something crux to the entire media ghoulish attack occurred around this time. Someone somewhere reached a key decision and gave the go ahead for the atrocious attack on the McCanns which began not long after their visit to Spain. It has effectively cast in stone the opinion of some many people .... inexplicably there is now a mindset that has been created in the human collective consciousness that believes implicitly that Gerry & Kate were responsible for the death of their own child; and had also moved her body out of the apartment to an unknown location. It is a mindset that is seen as a real spanner in the works for anything positive with regard to the searching for Madeleine. It is a mindset that is based solely on preposterous assumptions and ascertains. It is a theory which requires some inhumane and barbaric actions on the part of Madeleine's parents to have taken place. It is a mindset that was spawned by the vicious mind of someone somewhere who has systematically gone out of their way to point the finger at Gerry & Kate .... have them condemned for a crime which they so obviously did not commit.

Thankfully there is still sufficient light out there for this mindset to not have the tidal wave effect that perhaps someone somewhere was hoping for. It is in truth a maelstrom to effectively cover up any of the trails which might have incriminated certain individuals at that time. There is certainly more to this point in time than the tabloids were permitted to report.

Intuition relates the words 'frame them' and 'stitch them up' and indicates tampered and perhaps even placed evidence relating to the DNA samples. How difficult would it be for the perpetrators to get LIVE DNA samples from Madeleine at that time and have them placed in the hire car ... to appear like they have been there all the time? It is speculation perhaps? But there seems to be a direct link between the perpetrators and certain individuals who had links to the media at that time. It may not have been impossible to have evidence added into the melting pot at that time ... to add weight to some speculation which was spawned at that time ....

'Someone has some very powerful friends' - perhaps using the network to show just what they can do and what they could have occur. A show of power perhaps since? The sword of Damocles in full force. It has rendered something that may have been an ace up the sleeve powerless. Its taken something like a sound of thunder away. It keeps someone quiet who may have otherwise talked.

The working itself unearths the 5 of Spheres as the central character ... the despair of the Jester when that which was symbolically 'hatched from the eggs' was lost. For the Jester the entire thing is so very real. The coldness of the surroundings not aiding him at all. Wanting to say so much but advised to say so little and let things evolve however way they must and will. The 3 of Weapons and the action of three hands piercing the hearts of those at the centre of the situation .... the Jasper stone on the left of the 3 of Weapons epitomises the rage and the anger generated from this situation. The Charioteer there with his mesmerising eyes fixed on us the observer at this time ... in readiness for the merry go ride of media speculation about to unfold which would keep us firmly away from the truth.

The 4 of Crescents depicts the taking of the 'replica crescent' ... the illusion in this woman's mind why she was to obtain this replica .... this is perhaps symbolic of who was entrusted with initial custodianship of MM ... and shows the misrepresentation of the reasons she was taken. Not even those who were the perpetrators appear even to be told the real truth.

The 2 of Staves suggests the two modes of transport around this time ... the conveyancing over both land and sea ... boat and car .... there appears to have been much travelling at this time ... MM taken to quite a few places independent of her parents. There is nothing intuited here that links them as involved in the disappearance in anyway. However, something that the jester had undertaken has most surely sparked off the choosing of MM in the first instance. The Prime of Crescents indicates the birth ... and the 'birth of an aeon' ... something that caught the eye of someone with links to networks outward and beyond the norm. Perhaps this relates back to the unusual eye marking of MM ... and the recognition in some religious quarters of some 'significance' ... perhaps it was this significance that was initially used to entice someone to covert MM initially. Something little more than speculation perhaps?

The Giver of Staves represents the links to the spokesman of the Unicorn at this time .... and the need to turn the situation away from the 'cold snowy peaks' of the surroundings around the Jester in the 5 of Spheres ... towards some other location entirely. Some 'spin' appears to have been contrived away from GM ... something discussed on his behalf at this time ... some direction given to the spokesperson .... some invisible thread disguised ... and the influence strengthened into the public viewing of help ....

Around the 5 Of Spheres the crystals indicate so much constriction and restriction. So few avenues along which to turn. Refusal perhaps to abide by these rules could have resulted in what was to follow in the weeks ahead? The movements here appear limited .... matters out of the hands of GM. A loss of a bargaining tool perhaps ... someone somewhere lost their patience and decided to show their fire crackers instead?