Further Reading

Monday 7 January 2008

The Shamanic Journey Itself

The Shamaic Journey is a type of mental- or astral journey. It cannot be compared with the total bilocation of the OOBE, but uses the same energetic body.

It is important to have a goal for the journey. Formulate it in a sentence of will before you start to journey. As a beginner never journey without a theme. The sentence should be absolutely clear to you. It is a difference between "I will seek my Power Animals" and "I will find my Power Animals", to mention an example.

Seek yourself a nice place in the nature and memorise its appearance and some details. At the beginning of your journey you start at this place.

Imagine it as real possible. The more vivid you manage to imagine this place, the better will be your journey. Try to smell the air, feel the grass, the stones, hear the birds singing and the breeze in the trees. Walk around in this place and try to find a way up or down. There are no limits to your inventive mind. Ladders, rainbows, lifts, stairs, trees, tunnels, holes, roots, waterfalls, seas are just a view meanings of reaching the upper world or the lower world (purely navigational terminology, no morality). Listen to your feelings, whether you want to go down below or up in the skies.

Allow an exit to appear in your visionary journey. Pass it and you enter the shamanic upper world or the shamanic lower world (depends on your choosing of direction). At the end of your journey return to your starting place. Never forget this step and don´t be in a hurry when returning.

Your soul is On Tour and it is always better to reintegrate your soul completely after the journey ends (If you wonder how this works: It is the same as you started at your place, just the opposite way around!)

Imagine yourself standing in the room where you are sitting comfortable or lying. Dense fog rises and completely fills out the room until you cannot see anything except the gray or white fog. Eventually the fog clears up again and you are standing in the other world. Obviously there is no distinction between upper or lower world. At the end of your journey you simply rise the fog again and step out in your room again. The method of rising proves to be easier to use for beginners.

The first journey should be done to find the Tiergist (or Power Animals). This Tiergist is your guide and friend in the spirit's world. Thus your first sentence of will should sound like this: "I want to find my Power Animals". Usually your Tiergist is eager to meet you during your journey. If it does not appear, call it or try to find it. The Tiergist can be recognized easily. It behaves different than its normal life counterparts and is friendly towards you. After establishing the first contact, use the rest of the time to play with it before the returning signal is beaten. The Tiergist can take you to any location in your spirit world and to other spirits for special tasks. It is possible to have more than one Tiergist. The animals have special talents, according to their nature. Prehistoric, extinct and mythic creatures can be Power Animals, too. However these are rather seldom.