Further Reading

Thursday 28 February 2008

Daily Merlin Insight: 'Another Flying PIg'

For Thursday 28th February 2008
Using Servants of the Light tarot

Several e-mails were received today regarding the 'Maddie was in my taxi' news story which I was able to read on The Sun online. It is most definitely in line with the 'time not to be complacent' line which had been 'provided' to me by 'upstairs' a number of weeks ago. My first reaction is most certainly a whispered 'bollocks' ... in the light of the last Daily Merlin when I had the sense of 'the next sighting' which was so obviously going to appear in the tabloids. Well this is it ... the hat trick now of sightings ... South of France, Dorset and now in a taxi on the night Maddie disappeared ... a trio of 'eye witness' reports to muse over.

Most certainly the cloud making machine has been fired up again ... the other side of the coin completely this time ... with reports of a living and breathing Maddie. Totally 360 degrees the the last big 'puff' of white smoke which was so adamant in its speculation that Maddie was dead.

So now it seems there a number of Flying Pigs up there in the sky ... it appears they are growing in numbers as this latest round of speculation grows in magnitude. Are there going to be yet more sightings I wonder? What does all this symbolism mean? It is most certainly something symbolic ... it means something this total reflection of speculation. It is not just wanton news coverage; there is something significant behind it. This is a strong 'vibe' as far as I am concerned.

The latest 'sighting' ... does it have any weight or substance? I was asked this question (not in the same words though) this very morning. I'd elected not to reply as I was unable to focus on the situation being in the work place ... in a stressful Building Contractors environment as well as having my held full of our Canberra move (with all its complications) ... so I could not see inwardly very clearly. My mind is a little clearer ... incense is burning; the house is quiet and I have some meditation music on. I have a banging headache though ... but I am taking this opportunity to ponder this scenario.

For it to be Maddie in the taxi, it would most certainly mean Gerry & Kate McCann are well out with their timings of events that night OR it is the Taxi driver who is wrong. My own insights suggest Maddie was taken to a port/quayside by car ... I did not sense a taxi; why would it be a taxi? A taxi is too public and too risky. You've just taken what would soon be the world's most famous abducted child - it would be obvious surely that the taxi driver would remember Maddie and her eye at a later date? Unless of course it was not anticipated that so MUCH attention would occur with this one little girl? But the feeling of her in that taxi does not gel ... it is presenting me with an uncomfortable feeling ....

I do need to explore this further. I will use the tarot ... to be lazy ... and as the easy way to open the door to my higher consciousness. In times gone by the tarot would never be a consideration; I would meditate for an hour and visualise the scene to get the 'gen' on the situation. But .. time constraints and laziness dictate the use of the symbolism to provide the imaginative triggers to explore the situation ...

Question: "is there any truth in the taxi driver's claim that Madeleine McCann was in his vehicle on the night she disappeared?"

User of Spheres
The Hermit
Keeper of Crescents

It would have been asking too much for The Star image to pop up at this point. Even if it did I would not necessarily have said 'o look there is The Star image which is Maddie's significator therefore it means Maddie was in the taxi. I intuit someone somewhere wants folk to believe that it was Maddie in the taxi ... and also to speculate that the McCann's have been lying about the night and also to point the finger at Murat once more. It is a triple score letter in Scrabble eh? Three birds with one stone .... I don't buy it ....!!!! End of story. Again the User of Spheres ... again the mists around the events of where Maddie went right at the start of her disappearance and also mists on how she was taken. There is a real focus/spell casting to disguise this trail. It is VERY significant ... the start of the trail. Here was where the risk was. Upstairs have stated this to me over and over again. It is not where she is that is important but the fact she is to be returned that is the crux of it all. Bringing Madeleine home ... that is the issue here. It's taking longer than was anticipated for Maddie to be given back to Gerry & Kate. The User of Spheres is indicative too of when Maddie was taken 'under the rainbow' after when I speculated she WAS in Malta. It is around this time I speculate she was taken across the Mediterranean ... then over land and then 'into a conduit' ... not a literal drainage channel ... but a tunnel specifically designed in ages past to conceal travel! I intuit we are talking Italy as a possible destination in the early days of Maddie's plight. This I see in the User of Spheres ... the Juggler in the image has been able to instruct agencies to weave a mighty, mighty web of deceit to hide Maddie's trail .... laugh if you wish, but this is something that has been around me as insights since June 2007. It is something very strong around the entire mystery. Someone has wished to have Maddie in their presence ... and has been powerful enough to create a real 'confusion' to hide the fact. That is what I have here. To consider this possibility appears to slot all the jigsaw pieces together. For whatever reason this certain someone pulled strings and influenced many levels of the 'hidden pyramids' (for want of a better word or words) to have Maddie sent to them. Why? And who? It then seems like Maddie was then 'released' from this person (or persons) custodianship and then sent to 'working units' connected to this individual. It seems too that Maddie is kept hidden because of all the attention her disappearance has collected. It suits an agenda for her to still be deemed as missing. It has enabled wheels to roll that may not have been turned if there was not all this media attention ....

The Hermit is a very ominous image in the context it has fallen here. It seems the lynch pin ... the silent observer of each and every reaction in conjunction with this mystery. The Hermit's lamp is the 'political cause' of the someone somewhere which is now in the forefront of everyone's mind ... either by luck or design (I say the latter). Therefore it suits 'The Hermit' ... the silent and hidden one to keep Maddie out of sight at this time. To permit more and more stages of media coverage to reinforce the fact Maddie was abducted and is still missing. There are undertones here of Gerry & Kate & family being unwitting pawns in all of this. They had to be made 100% to believe that Maddie was indeed abducted ... when in truth her 'borrowing' was arranged by someone somewhere. Gerry & Kate's reactions are genuine because as far as they are concerned Maddie HAS been abducted. But elsewhere; someone linked to them knows that Maddie was not technically abducted ... but borrowed .... the intention is to return Maddie at some later date. This may be something speculative and perhaps a million miles away from the truth in reality ... but it is a paradigm I've considered a number of times before ... and it again helps to slot all the jigsaw pieces together.

The Keeper of Crescents implies the 'deception network' which has been put in play by the someone somewhere (the man in the moon - that untouchable soul who ordered this mystery) .. and it is his 'minions' who now undertake the stages of it all. The implication is that one of his 'agencies' have Maddie safe .... and well.

So then we are in for more flying pigs it seems ... more twists and turns in this never ending roller coaster ride. a snake forever wrapping itself around a stake driven deep into the ground ... an image that I had a sense of just then. String and even a snake has an end and a start. We are at a seemingly indeterminable point in the proceedings. It is frustrating for the most part .... but as a symbolic spectacle it is incredible. I see a night sky being lit up by fireworks. Hey presto I do STILL see a safe return. That is the frustrating point. An outcome is still written ... a line in the sand. Not an unsolved mystery ... but something with a 'dodgy explanation' at the end of it. Images in news and on silver screen of Maddie being safely returned ... but those held responsible ... a scapegoat which seems too perfect a villain to be true. A patsy in the end .... an ending to the script .... but only when the someone somewhere is satisfied he has extracted the maximum blood from the stone ... when that someone somewhere is also satisfied all stones have been turned and there is absolutely no way any trail can lead to his door ....