Further Reading

Thursday 28 February 2008

Esoteric Cognition

Cognition is the process of developing one's style of thinking, learning, and processing information. While third-dimensional humans cannot ideate (create an idea), and few can formulate a REAL thought, other than opinions about their emotions, the act of cognition stems from the level of the Soul; stepped down through the three lower planes to make impression upon a physical-dense brain.

There are actually four levels of cognition with which humanity in lesson may process, yet humanity en masse today only works with the lowest processing level, that of linear thought. A few people are able to cognize at the level of associative, or "inner thought", and even fewer are reaching to work with pure mental, or "lateral thought" processing.

Only those people who are working in direct contact with their souls are able to begin working with soul-thought, also known as "spherical" thought.