Further Reading

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Dragon Alchemy

According to legend, is in the nature of the Dragon to collect, store and guard a vast array of precious gems. Metaphorically, the Dragon is the Ancient Ancestor who contains all the old wisdom. This is why the symbol has and is used by initiates and royalty.

It is a symbol of mastery as well as sovereignty. To 'awaken the Dragon' means to make an ally of ones own power and to be in touch with the mysteries of the universe.

When one accepts their own personal power and wields this authority with Wisdom and Response-Ability, what is gained is the knowledge of Earth and Star energy - the Power in the land and the constellations above.

However, when power is abused or unacknowledged, these energies take the form of ones shadow and will be a source of trouble until resolution is born.

Symbolically, the Dragon with its tail in its mouth represents the unenlightened soul bound to the cycle of reincarnation, while the active Dragon symbolizes the Adept. Two Dragons facing each other symbolize one who is working toward Immortality, while two Dragons facing in opposite directions indicate the attainment of Immortality. The Grail Quest or 'Great Work' is also called the 'Opening of the Eye of the Dragon'. This is because the Spirit reabsorbs all of the Light that it has projected as the objective universe, reawakening the Dragon energy. This union produces 'the Immortal Spirit', the 'Sun at Midnight'.

There is an Ancient Legend which states that the Dragon was separated into two beings - the male, who is the 'Howler in the Wastes of Nothingness', the 'Demon Lord of Time' - and the female, who presides over the Universe as the 'Shekinah' (Babalon, Nuit), the matrix of manifestation. The union of these two opens the Gates of the Abyss.

When the 'Dweller on the Threshold' denies 'Shekinah', he breeds 'devils' in Chaos. The imperfectly created universe of the 'Dweller' or 'Beast' must be destroyed or reabsorbed (past karma and all bonds of energy with the Universe must be overcome) before the initiate may attain union with the 'Shekinah'. Then, the serpent fire rises to an explosion of ecstasy in ' the Abyss', casting forth its 'Star'. The 'Serpent Fire' thus released interlaces itself with the 'Water of Space', and by this process the 'Beast' is reabsorbed in to the 'Shekinah'.

It is in the 'silence of the death of desire', that the 'Golden Child', born of the union of 'Beauty and the Beast' realizes its identity with Absolute Consciousness.

This process is the means of the return to the supreme state represented by the Cosmos itself, and is the true formula of Illumination, and the essence of all Magick.
However ...

Man has denied the Shekinah, both within and without, repeatedly - and continues to do so, aginst all odds and despite endless warnings, resulting in the abysmal dis-play that passes for civilisation on Mother Earth today.

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