Further Reading

Thursday, 14 May 2009

A Word on "The Dragon Court"

The 'Dragon Court' can first be identified in Egypt under the patronage of the priest prince Ankhfn Khonsu in about 2170 BC. It was subsequently established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the twelfth dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru (c.1785 BC).

The Court pursued the teachings of Thoth, which had prevailed from the time of Nimrod’s grandson King Raneb, a pharaoh of the second dynasty. He reigned c. 2852 BC, about three centuries before the Gizeh pyramids are considered to have been built.In those far off times, the Priesthood and Temples were not associated with religion as were their later successors in other lands, but rather more with the duties of preserving and teaching the Old Wisdom.

The temples incorporated 'al-khame' workshops. It was the obligation of the Priest and Priestess to maintain the Spiritual welfare of the Pharaohs, while ensuring the purity of a continuing Royal Bloodline which progressed through the Dragon Queens of the Matrilinear Grail succession.

Source: Dragon Court.Net