Further Reading

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Insight " The Latest Face'

Using Servants Of The Light tarot.
6th August 2009
10:50pm - 11:10pm

The latest line of enquiry (the photofit woman) ... is there any relevance with Madeleine McCann? The woman in question, is she linked to Madeleine in any way?

6 of Staves ... the image depicts a line of flags appearing to travel upwards towards the horizon. Flags of nations, and the reaching out to an eventual conclusion which is on the horizon? A unification ... attention is drawn now to another part of the globe (Australia) apparently with intent.

The World ... the figure of a woman/child within an orb is central to the image. Attention being drawn to another 'elusive' suspect in the case. Around the orb are the eagle, the lion, the bull and a 'long haired man'. Four agencies around the globe? This latest story feels too staged. Too deliberate. Sorry. Hopes should not be built up. Intuition sparks here the woman is known (was someone in mind when the photofit was drawn up ... to deliberately draw someone into the enquiry). A revelation here. But not perhaps link to direct connection with Maddy.

4 of Crescents ... here is the 'dishevelled woman' holding her replica ... an object of fantasy or delusion which is a replica of a much bigger illusion. The woman refered to by this card is someone very delusional. Who grasps her own concept of reality and shapes her actions around it. This however is NOT the woman in the photofit. Somehow the woman represented by the 4 of Crescents is still surrounded by loyalty and 'blind eyes'. The words 'another blind alley' is shouted to me at this point. What is the point of this new's story? If only to bring attention back to the case and get it taken to Australia? That seems deliberate media intent here. The Pied Piper with something up his sleeve ... more salt to be thrown here ... more garlic to protect us from his devilry perhaps. The 'someone' behind the disappearance is still being protected. Nothing seems to have changed (on the surface). But below the surface ...

8 of Crescents & 3 of Spheres. The latter of these images is representative of 'the spokesperson' ... with a script to read and the jester's outfit to wear. He is still involved to keep a watchful eye? The 8 of Crescents suggests that the black robed figure seen crossing the bridge in the image ... is someone coming back into focus in this situation. Someone from the past ... being back in the spotlight. A line of enquiry has been re-evaluated. Not now will it be mentioned ... but it could have bearing on the case. A line of enquiry seems to have had success, in the past ... and there is a sense of rounding up of others to finalise something here.

7 of Staves & 10 of Staves ... Staves are wands in other decks. Wands conjure images of stage magic. All is not what it seems still. Two images that dictate illusion and deception.A sense of wrongful accusations once more ... something brought into focus to distract once more.....

It means there appears someone is lined up to 'be found' ... the person who the photofit matches. Truth and what will be reported in the media will not be the same thing. Attention drawn to the Southern Hemisphere using the most famous missing child case in the Northern Hemisphere. Genuine intent? Mmm .. it links yes, but also to somewhere else.

Copyright Matthew James 6th August 2009