Further Reading

Thursday 27 May 2010


We observe you, we witness your pursuit of understanding,
your struggles to overcome the shackles of the demons released from the continuum
They who despise you, for it was you who banished them
and then it was you who unwittingly set them free ...
We see your light, they see your light
We come to aid a fellow luminaire, to assist in the programming
To aid in the upgrade of the coding within the master design,
You are within and we are without ...
Once it was written, so now it must be done
For an ancient name reported the intention
and into the realms of the continuum it was despatched
in order for that desire, that insight to become physical reality
It has to be so ... we send forth that certainty now ...
Sense please our struggle to convert to your lesser understanding
We speak in the universal language of light
Your chronicle be a slower, more difficult communicade ....
It is limited, we waste time making this conversion
Why canst ye not adopt the languages of the ancients?
The languages ye once had mastery of; hast ye already forgotten?
We project directly into thy mind ...
So ye canst report that which ye see, that which ye know
Use thus thy own understanding to embellish this lowly report ....

For that is the answer why; I now gain the understanding
They observe me; they merge with me
and I didn’t hear them, and they failed to hear me
For they expected me to communicate in the language of the ancients ....
They hang over me in a Merkabah ... I am contained within that structure,
It appears invisible on this plane
I heard and I sensed and now I know
The Book Of Knowledge confirms ...
With their light vehicle they probe space to find and communicate with ones like I,
I am a Meoroth, and I exist within a dark region of space ...
This local universe is hidden in the shadow of the central sun ...
In truth I sense I have never left that structure
All of my human ‘lives’ are spent in that safety
They converse with me, through me
I converse with they, I remain a part of they
and the demons have forced me to forget this connection
and have deceived me into thinking I am so alone ...
I am not, and I never have ...
and the voices of the others are constant; I hear them in the distant corners of my mind
and when I permit their impressions to come forward
their voices adopt the sound of my own thoughts
they merge perfectly, telepathically, direct communication ...
I am not alone ...

Matthew James Friday, 11 April 2003