Further Reading

Thursday 27 May 2010

A Word on 'The Human Aura'

The human aura is an invisible field that surrounds and penetrates the physical body that along with the Chakra system, Meridians and Nadis supplies our physical body with the Universal Life Force Energy. This energetic aspect of our self can sometimes be seen by some clairvoyants and healers, who may see different colours in the energy field around a person.

The human aura briefly consists of various layers of energy, which are vibrating at different rates, the closest level to the physical body the Etheric Level being the densest vibration.

The first level closest to the body being the Etheric Body, the slowest vibrating of the seven layers. This layer is considered as the blue print of the physical body, and it is on this level that that you experience feeling when you have lost a limb, but can still feel it, this is called a phantom limb, as on the etheric level you body is still whole. This level is also connected our senses and sensations, touch, tasting, smell, listening, seeing feeling etc.

If the energy is week or damaged on this level, they may experience a weakness or even early symptoms of dis-ease, you may not function well physically, eg. Hate any form of physical activity, you may love to eat, but hate to be touched. If this level of the Aura is strong and well charged, then you will have a full life in all areas.

The second level of the aura is associated with our feelings or emotions about the self and is known as the lower emotional body. The energy movement there correlates to the feeling you are having about yourself. If you allow your feelings to flow whether positive or negative, the aura will keep itself balanced, the negative energy being released and transformed.

If you stop yourself experiencing these emotions, block them, swallow them back down, in other words keeping the British stiff upper lip, then you stop that flow of energy on the second level connected to the emotions.

The second layer of the human aura is the lower emotional body.

The third level of the aura is associated with our mental or rational world and is known as the lower mental body. When this level is balanced the rational and intuitive mind work together in harmony as one, we then experience clarity, balance and a sense of appropriateness. We feel self accepting, safe and have a sense of personal power.

If this level is strong and charged you will have a strong clear mind that serves you well. You will have an active and healthy mental life and be interested in learning.

If this level is weak and undercharged, you will lack mental agility or clarity. You will probably not be interested in academics or other intellectual pursuits. When our thoughts are negative in this level, the energy will travel slower and become darker and distorted. These are negative thought forms that correspond to our habitual negative thought processes. They are difficult to change, because they appear to be logical to the person experiencing them.

These negative thought forms can also be affected by stagnated emotions from the second and fourth levels of the aura, which are adjacent it the third level. In other words we try not to feel negative emotions about our self (second level) and or about another person (forth level). We stop the energy flow on the second and fourth levels. This then caused the third level energy to become distorted also....READ MORE...