Further Reading

Monday 28 March 2011

Radioactive Trojan Horse????

Ok ... hold the theme of the previous posting in your mind ... as we know the radiation problem in Japan is getting worse day by day. However, the full extent of the spread of the radioactive material is not public knowledge. What is my concern ... and it has been in my conscious mind for about a week now along with a nagging 'dread' in the pit of my stomach ... over the coming weeks and months, how much disinformation & confusion is there going to be relating to this matter? How much of the 'Illuminati Devilry' is going to be attributed to the radioactive fallout from Japan ...??? How much cancer and sickness and other ailments are going to be unleashed WORLDWIDE?? This appears to be yet another 9/11 ... !!! Another falseflag event to act as a trojan horse for other agendas to be activated. There IS an intention behind this situation ... there is a concerted Media disinformation campaign to blanket us from what is really happening. I intuit VERY strongly this is part and parcel of the Illuminati agenda to depopulate this planet. It is most certainly a contributory factor. I'm sorry if this offends some of the readers of A Light In The Darkness ... but my spirit is feeling really concerned about this crossroad in mankind's story ... we've been here before in the long and distant past. The earthquake ... a natural disaster or some deliberate tampering ... to create the tsunami ...? To then come to a situation where a computer 'glitch' can cause a nuclear power station melt down ...?? THEN this media confusion ... I'm concerned believe me ... and I don't say this lightly ... as the Illuminati Devilry machine is reaching full throttle with a campaign that has been carefully planned by some seriously insane minds ... minds that have no conscience for the millions of lives that die as a result of their sick actions ....MJ 28/3/2011