Further Reading

Monday, 12 September 2011

9/11 - Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control

The spiritual supporting pillars of the world's societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11...symbolically, allegorically, ritualistically and literally. Imploded and destroyed. The rest followed. It was quite a sinister "stroke of genius" and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people's systems and they just can't handle it. It's overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand. Nicely done, except.... Tell A Big Enough Lie ...and you'll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it's beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It's amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight. And these entities apparently rarely even know each other or their own ilk's identities. It's a hidden, and not so hidden, cult of non-feeling self-appointed elitist power mad psychopaths out to subdue humanity like it's some kind of a game. How does that make you feel, that we're considered "useless eaters", "goyim", "parasites", "human resources"?...read more>>>...