Further Reading

Monday, 12 September 2011

Question Me: "Spiritual Matters"

In response to all the recent e-mail, skype & phone call queries relating to 'matters of a spiritual nature' we are presenting a series of Question Me posts to answer these queries ....  but, remember, these will be my opinion & personal philosophy only; I will be answering these questions with responses representing what I am comfortable in understanding these matters ...

Do You Have Spirit Guides? What Do You Think Spirit Guides are?
A popular question to kick proceedings off. It can be answered relatively easily too. In my all my years of experiences I've never had an entity connect with me and declare itself to be one of my 'spirit guides'. This is not to say that this hasn't occurred with other mediums, clairvoyants and mystics out there. For me I don't work with these type of spiritual beings. I have close friends and family members who are on the other side who aid me in my connections with the other side ... yes. They organise and instruct those who connect with me, from time to time. But, on the most part, it is me, myself and I who goes to the spirit world to make connections and to gain the 2-way conversations that constitute the mediumistic connections. To explain briefly ... I actually 'go out of body' and step into the other world when I make my connections. I'm co-existing in the two realms when I communicate. On this note, a medium acquaintance of mine at a recent venue we were both attending, actually raised this point with me when he'd actually observed me coming back into body after connecting with the other side! As for what spirit guides are ... I surmise that many spirit guides are actually higher aspects of ourselves communicating with us; others are members of family and old friends ... others are aspects of humanity who choose to help us from time to time ... but I choose not to accept the glamourised package deal that comes with being part of the New Age Movement! It's only because I developed my own means of communicating over three decades ago ... and maybe spirit guides avoid me for that reason?

Have You Seen Angels? And Do You Believe In The Angelic Realm?
Yes, I've seen angels ... but not in the archetypal images that are popularised these days. I often see giant-like entities which choose to manifest around me in light body forms. When I've researched the names they have given me ... I often find reference to angelic entities. Indeed, there are two lesser known 'Angels' who I confer with from time to time ... Raduriel and Dabriel. Raduriel is traditionally the angel who 'creates other angels and oversees archives' and Dabriel is the angel of the first heaven. I understand this combination as The Angel Of Song ... an angelic force which first connected with me in the days I was channelling prosody & poetry! The Angelic Realms to me are dimensions beyond 'the spirit world' ... the occupants are specifically non-human and may often be attributed to aiding mankind in its evolution as many of the entities there may well have been human at one time, and have retained some kind of interest in mankind's affairs!

Do You Believe in Reincarnation?
Yes .... there have been too many instances with clients over the years when I've been dealing with karmic family issues to not accept reincarnation. I've also had personal experiences within my own family & family circles too. I therefore firmly accept we all have past lives; parallel lives; repeats of lives etc.

What About Aliens Or Life On Other Worlds, What is Your Viewpoint?
Yes, I am a firm believer of life on other realms & other dimensions. I've had actual proof, believe it or not. There are a number of posts here on A Light In The Darkness which appertain to the experience I had around 15 years ago when 5 or 6 Non-human looking dwarf-like entities appeared before me ... very much appearing out of thin air like someone had spray brushed them onto the very air itself. After that experience, accepting alien life forms on other other realms and dimensions ... is EASY!

What About 'Apports' ... has this ever happened for you ???
This is a great topic to finish this line of questions off, and perfect inspiration to feature a post or two on this subject. An apport is basically an object sent from the spirit world to appear in our world ... and yes, it has happened to me several times in client's consultations ... though sadly it was only me who saw the objects. In one consultation ... a gentleman's watch, a lady's perfume bottle and a distinctive calligraphy pen all appeared. I described the watch to my client who confirmed that a watch matching that exact detail was worn by her late father who was communicating with me at the time. The way the watch was laid out matched exactly how he would have put it on a table! The lady's perfume bottle matched perfectly the description of her late mother-in-law's favourite perfume bottle! The expensive blue calligraphy pen also matched the pen used by her late father-in-law who was also mentioned in the consultation!!!!