Further Reading

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Rune of The Day - SIGIL

The Rune SIGEL - is my truimph rune. The indication of victory and successful ventures. It means that light has prevailed over darkness .... light is truth and honesty; darkness is jealousy, hatred, envy. Often the latter creates many of the obstacles & barriers we encounter in life. Our society is geared up to judge people based on norms and what we need to do to conform. So few folk will speak up and stand against the tide. So few of us dare to be different or unique or are brave enough to stand our ground when the hurricane wind blows in our face. This rune is indication that truth has prevailed and restored harmony in a situation. Contrasts are not spirit. Contrasts and opposition are illusion. Infinite love is all there is ... this card indicates this harmony. When this rune appears in a casting or spread it means that the querent has overcome a major dose of negative opposition - copyright Matthew James