Further Reading

Tuesday 20 September 2011

"A Victorious Dawn"

A lightning bolt and the ritual is complete
The lone figure stands with arms held high ... aloft
The mark of infinity carved in the rock ... the anvil of power
The role play heralding the result ... a tryst with the ancient ones ... the elders
 ... now a certainty
Ambassadors wait to unite on a physical world
Now that the vibrations match and a door swings open wide.
The danger’s over now ... and he can relinquish his wards of power
Bidding thanks to the four quarters he leaves the circle round behind
and re-sheaths the ceremonial dagger,
The conduit has closed and contact with the distant world now lost
A bridge formed with a realm lost once but now rekindled
The time of darkness over, now that the incarnates have thrived.
The fear is ceasing now ... the tides are turning
The high priest allows a smile to cross his lips,
His task has been fulfilled this night ... aware is he of his legacy
Hybrid blood courses through his veins, his identity hidden
A cowl surrounds his physical form ... born with disability
Glassy sheens surround him reflecting back his elvan light
So the dark ones know not he has descended

His white mischief reaching its mark ...
Forms of power descend ...too many for the dark ones to contain

Their rule of dominance is over on this lesser world
The struggle for power lost now to the lords of light
Re-connection now made with the one remaining interim world
Connection made and memories returning

Total control is lost ...
The conduit to grow stronger and grow wider with time

As more and more lights shine
As more and more minds start to hear
and less souls listen to the lies cast into the realm of the slowest thoughts
The manifest plane freed from its chains now.
The High Priest turns and walks away from the sacred circle
and gazes across the hillside towards the horizon
Spying the darkened dawn ... the moment before first light
In this realm he knows the dark lords power wanes but the madness has yet to lessen
Confusion and chaos still reign all across the lands
But it will soon pass and the dawn will rise
Heralding the new dawn the dark ones fought so hard to prevent.
With honour and deepest respect for his invisible kin
The high priest un-sheaths his knife and scratches the sign of victory in a nearby stone
The time of peace will soon arrive now ....
(Written by Matthew James circa 2001)