Further Reading

Thursday 22 November 2012

Pinhole Glasses

Here is the debate:

"Do pinhole glasses really improve your eyesight?"

I've been wearing a pair now for we'll over an hour. I can read this I Phone screen perfectly. Without them the screen becomes a blue and I have eye strain.

I read on the net that it is only because the aperture of the eyes are forced to be smaller that I am able to experience this improvement in vision.


It is a well known fact that your eyes become lazy once you start wearing glasses. Vision quality degenerates and you are then stuck with wearing glasses .

I've not needed glasses now for 47 years. My eye sight is declining but if pinhole glasses prevent eye deterioration then I will continue using them. My parents and my sole sibling all needed glasses in their mid-thirties. I've so far outlasted them.

I'm awaiting any sure sign of actual improvement, but it is pleasing to be able to clearly read everything on this screen plus give my eyes a deserved rest from eye strain!

Your own experiences on pinhole glasses would be interesting. Please feel free to send me your comments on pinhole glasses!