Further Reading

Thursday 22 November 2012


Who is suffering from this strange condition at this time? I've expressed this condition to numerous clients this year.

The usual symptoms are aching shoulders, migraine headaches, dehydration, sugar binges and shifting energy levels, trouble sleeping ...

So many clients have been to see their doctor with these symptoms only for tests to reveal nothing is wrong with them.

Indeed I sensed a UK client, via a phone reading, had these symptoms. I explained my understanding of the problem being over active pineal and pituitary gland function ... And high end brain function. She was a doctor and I expected to be shot down in flames with my assessment!

Instead she confirmed my intuition ... She had two colleagues who were busily researching the same thing and had similar conclusions!

Now I don't profess to having any medical background. What I say is opinion only and it is VITAL you seek a medical opinion if you have any of these symptoms persistently. I merely offer my viewpoint on a phenomenon that is taking place right now.

So many people are finding themselves becoming overtly right brain with active pineal gland activity. Their lives are no longer the same and they have all these strange symptoms going on ... Which they didn't have before.

There is a fundamental change happening on a genetic and DNA level. Science doesn't know everything and there are forces on this earth plane aware of these happenings who don't want it to be public knowledge.

An awakened soul is a soul which cannot easily be deceived. Keep the masses ignorant and in an unawakened state and they are much easier to control. Make them reliant on medical assessment and trusting of administered medications, and they will not be aware of the genetic changes taking place within their bodies.

There is so much taking place at this time that so few of us are even aware of!