Further Reading

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Action By Reaction

Article by Matthew James 
We as human beings go about our daily lives driven by reactive responses to the environment around us. We are predominately 'left brain' driven. We live in a logical world ... hence the reason we are more often than not nothing more than a collective machine consciousness. Like a train travelling down a track ... we see the rails and go forwards driven by the reactions to live around us.

So few of us actually apply the breaks and question this crazy passage through life ... we rarely listen to our right brain as it cries out to us to stop ... and observe the countryside. We may hear that voice ... but it is barely above a whisper in our lives. We are too much like worker bees ... running around the hive ... trying to please the queen, which is around somewhere? Has anyone seen her?

But those of us who do apply the brakes ... and stop ... find a different life waiting for us when we stop to think and choose to adopt the process to action before reaction ... we have less mind chatter ... we are able to draw a breath ... and like the rally driver, we find we are able to turn the wheel at the last possible moment with skill. We are able to avoid the head on collisions which the train ride always leads us to.

Logical minded decisions rely on a review of the surroundings ... the logical mind can only assess its decisions on the limited information it sees around it. Like a computer it checks its memory banks for recollection of similar circumstances. Then ... it makes its choice ... based on the need for survival. A basic reaction ... whereas the right brain is free to roam ... to access other information which is there in the surroundings which a reactive response would not normally see. This is the "seeing what others don't see" .... it is an inspirational or intuitive decision ... usually an action .... it may not seem the right choice at the time ... but it is the chance to avoid the brick wall ... or miss the advancing train on the same track ...

Circumstances are such that choices seem few and far behind ... but with an active response ... with a right brain attitude ... all of life's challenges are little more than puzzles to be overcome. The right brain is usually devoid of fear and the need for survival. It sees a different world to the logical hemisphere ... it is tuned into a totally unrelated reality. The five senses do not control its vision ... the right brain sees situations as they really are. And, when we train ourselves to hear that little voice for the first time ... we are shocked by the clarity of the information it gives. With practice the little voice becomes louder and louder ... as we learn to adapt as a second nature 'upload' the information we receive from that hemisphere. At full throttle ... we able to defy the left brain perceptive time and time again. The bigger picture is accessible when the right brain is fully co-ordinated into our daily responses. We still receive the right brain input ... it is a natural need to be critical and fearful ... but it merely acts as a rudder on the great ship which is our consciousness as it rides these seven seas of life --- Matthew James 2nd April 2011