Further Reading

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Symbolism - Signs in the Landscape

Article by Matthew James
How many of us realise our connection with the natural surroundings we live in? How many actually take note of the synchronicity and apparent coincidences that occur on a regular basis ... in truth so very few of us. Who spots the solitary crow or magpie that is waiting for us in a tree when we wander through a forest or park? Who notices the eagle or the hawk that is hovering directly above us when we go out driving in the car; or the butterfly that hovers across our path ...? How many of us realise that we have deep spiritual connection with the planet earth? We are the same energy of everything around us ... all working in unison ... all part of the same tapestry. We are therefore bombarded with information from this shared awareness on a constant basis. But we are too lost in the world of man ... 'the 9 to 5 living with the mortgage fears' .... that we do not have time to notice. These coincidences never get noticed ... we never take note of the lore of the Crow or the wisdom of the Magpie ... we never see any of these creatures as fellow journey companions on this road through life ... the transformative signal of the butterfly is another ...

But it is not just the living creatures or other residents of nature that we ignore. There are the obvious human sumbols all around us ... car registration plates; road signs; company names; advertising hoardings ... they all appear at times to appear coincidentally at strategic times ... but who takes note of them? Or if we do, how many dismiss them as being nothing more than coincidence?

For over twenty years I'm one of the few who takes careful notes of the signs around me. I have my own personal totems ... magpies, butterflies, birds of prey etc etc ... which have regularly appeared when I've required an oracle or an insight into a situation. Recently, as always I am a spiritual seeker; but more so in the current time than in other times before. There have been numerous instances of a clear 'YES' in the registration plates here (OK Canberra plates commence with a Y and are 3 letters) ... to answer queries I've had earlier in the day. The appearance of these signs are more often than not when I least expect it ... when the logical brain is elsewhere ... I've noticed certain number patterns in shopping receipts; certain number patterns on the car trip recorder .... strange patterns made by pens and pencils on my work desk when there has only been me in the office (That's slightly different to this and another story ... but its still relevant here) ... I have trained myself to take note of all these instances; accepting the coincidences are perhaps an insight or advice from a force slightly greater than myself. A force which is able to influence the landscape around me. A force which can see a bigger picture than me. A force that knows I know to look for these symbols ...Matthew James 3rd April 2011