Further Reading

Saturday 6 April 2013

"Taught By One Of The Ancient Ones"

"This is no ordinary life story that is about to unfold before your eyes. It is the story of someone who was taught by one of ‘the ancient ones’ from an early age, and has suffered the consequences of that calling all the way through his life. Much of what is recollected here is not myth. It is documented to the best of the ability of he who has experienced these situations. Where his memory of events is dull, and shady, there will be testaments from others that can remember the events. 

There is no question that this life has been filled with joy and wonder; with experiences of sights and sounds that the average cannot begin to imagine ... but it has also been filled with the opposite experiences too ... sorrow, despair, upset, misery, extreme sadness. All polarity of experience will be covered in this manuscript. Again, to the best of his ability to remember these things. 

What will be apparent, almost from the start, is the influence of the ‘other world’ or ‘worlds’ in his life. It is the ONLY explanation for so much of the occurrences in this life. Indeed, it goes without saying, as a pupil of the mystic arts, from the age of three, that he has always been totally accepting of the influence of the other world. Though his ‘eye’ has seemingly always ‘been open’ ... there have been many passages in his life which are best described as ‘typically mortal.’ However, looking back on these events, he has always been able to see the lesson or teaching presented by these periods in his life. 

However, before we proceed any further, we are not going to delve or descend into the standard or ‘typical’ spiritual life story. Meaning, we are not going to be dealing with ‘spirit guides’ and their input in his life. He doesn’t acknowledge ‘guides’ in the conventional sense of the word. He acknowledges other world influences, yes, but he has always refused to acknowledge ‘the imaginable and the unprovable’. Much of what he has been taught or shown by ‘the ancient ones’ has been in the form of direct thought transfers (Or direct data downloads) and visions in daydreams and meditations. 

It began as a series of astral projections at the tender age of three. These adventures are still very much there in the back of his mind. They are memories and insights which have been etched on his subconscious all through his life. They provide him with the basic backcloth of ‘what life really is’ and ‘what the spirit world really is’. His insights and personal philosophies are very much based on these strong recollections. So much so, he has been deemed very much the ‘odd ball’ throughout this life...." 

Extract taken from ‘Feet In Both Worlds’ written by Matthew James - Copyright (All Rights Reserved) Matthew James Jan 2013