Further Reading

Sunday 7 April 2013

'Truth Vibration Door'

What an intense energetic period we are going through at this time. Quite aptly it's been entitled 'the truth vibration' that is sweeping through our consciousness. With unexpected consequences I would say ...!!

Life is most certainly turning a corner, and sorting things out for sure. But it is quite surprising what 'baggage' has been discarded and what baggage still remains. It is perfectly clear that life is no longer the same, and since stepping through the 'truth vibration door' last year, life is in a strange transitional stage ... with some very concerning side effects.

Ego control and expressions of 'false ego' seem to have been magnified this year. The single, most important thing with ANY magical work is the control of the ego (Or as the ancient Atlanteans called it, 'the selfish separate self'). When working with the Tipareth Centre (The Heart Chakra) is is imperative to control pride and damper 'the show off' ... this is the first hurdle all who walk through the light of truth vibration door must contend with.

There is sufficient manifestational energy available to 'kick ass' and change our reality. But sadly so many mystics are going round and round in the same circles because they refuse to step out of their comfort zones/belief systems ... so they keep feeding their metaphysical framework with the same energy. The truth vibration will not permit this!!! All souls must move forward .... sadly there are not enough souls breaking out of their belief systems at the moment ... Matthew James 7/4/13