Further Reading

Thursday 16 May 2013

A Word On "Ketav Einayim - Eye Writings"

Preterhuman: These are encoded symbols to be found in this timeline by those who would be triggered into awarenesses by their symbols. This is not unlike a subliminal messages that helps one remember something; in this case, that they are spirit having a physical experience, and will soon be moving back to their spiritual body/vehicle of light. The actual 'eye writings' are composed of circles and lines in the form of small flames; an encoding of sorts. This is all part of the creational blueprint of humanity created by the geometry. This alphabet, or series of symbol codes, is representative of the higher template for creation. The higher intelligences, such as the Elohim creational forces, use this blueprint to project the elements of life into creations such as the planet Earth through a grid system or matrix. An analogy to demonstrate this principle could be seen in the projection of a movie onto a screen by a high powered and focused beam of light coming from the projector.

The projector and beam of light represent the Elohim creator beings consciousness, the celluloid and focusing device on the projector represent the template and its synchronization function, the screen represents the magnetic receptacle or matrix which will receive the higher image, and the image (projection) is the creation itself...read more>>>...