Further Reading

Thursday 16 May 2013

Eye Writings - A Practical Application?

 And here we appear to have a practical application of the 'Eye Writings' described previously; by way of an apparent coding in the Daily Merlin Spreads linked to the '357 Mystery' ....

The image on the right is a classic Daily Merlin spread created by dealing the Servants Of The Light tarot cards and then casting Crystal Oracle stones ... the resultant pattern of the stones recorded with interconnecting lines between the stones. The patterns 'appear' to resemble 'Eye Writing' notation ...

The image to the below is a typical illustration created by Matthew James from the Daily Merlin spreads. Note how the patterns resemble Eye Writings ...

It is not clear at this stage if this is intentional (i.e A higher force provided the intuitive steps to devise the patterns in this way. Perhaps the same force which whispered '3-5-7' many weeks prior to the events of 3rd May 2007) ... or purely coincidental. But it is worth a deeper look in the near future ...

The Daily Merlin spreads are most certainly going to be reviewed once more ... especially in the light of this latest consideration. Nothing in magick is by chance ... all things are inter-connected and synchronicity is often a sign that a magick is afoot. The impetus to research the Eye Writings within the Keys Of Enoch was only put into motion a few hours prior to this post. The link between the Eye Writings and the Daily Merlin spreads was instantaneous. There is a strong connection in all of this why this line of consideration has now been opened; why this doorway now stands before me ... with another threshold to cross - © Matthew James May 2013