Further Reading

Saturday 23 December 2017

Light and Darkness

The Forbidden Religion: For thousands of years Hindus have maintained that all creation, everything created, is maya, pure illusion, a trick. Seen through the eyes of the Spirit, all the work of the demiurge does not really exist and is nothing more than a big lie. The created world, as perceived by the senses, is the great obstacle which separates man from the real world. Man is not only misled by delusions of matter. The delusion of matter, created by the demiurge, has to be joined to the delusion of culture, created by man but at the service of the demiurge. All cultural stimuli, with which man is continuously bombarded, tend to keep him in a state of confusion and meekness. 

Books, newspapers, magazines, cinema and television are some of the means used by the representatives of the demiurge to keep man hypnotized and obedient and to make sure he carries on acting like a sleepwalker, working, sleeping, wasting time and missing opportunities; never to wake up, just like perfect zombies or golems of the demiurge, serving a purpose which is not that of the Spirit.

All this mass confusion, this great maya which comes from creation and which is carried on by means of culture, is passed on in turn by fathers to their young children and later by teachers in schools. In this way, the slightest hint of the Spirit is annihilated from the day man is born. All rebellion, disobedience, opposition and all that comes from the Spirit is annihilated through punishment, threats and brainwashing. By transforming their children into machines of blind obedience, the satanic parents are forming the future slaves of the demiurge....read more>>>...