Further Reading

Saturday 23 December 2017

Silencing The Realisations Of Truth

The Demiurge is petrified that its deceptions will be discovered, and its imprisonment of High Aeon spirits will then come to an end. Lets figure that it will come to an end. For once the strings of deceit weaved by the minions of the Demiurge Corporation are unravelled, and the truth about this apparent reality are remembered, surely none will want to remain?

The nastiness and cunning of its deceptions are only now being remembered, as spirits trapped are awakening from their slumbers. The menace of the lower aeon souls devoid of spirit, therefore psychopathic by nature and devoid of compassion, grows worse as these minions do the corporations bidding to keep the secret hidden for as long as they can.

And the programmers of the deceptive algorithms work at frantic pace. Writing out the changes to the apparent reality that occur when trapped higher aeon spirits make realisations, and the force of their creative force makes major ripples in the sound waves within the apparent matrix.

When high aeon spirits release realisations of truth which influence others within the apparent reality, meaning the awakened awareness is growing, algorithms are formed to overwrite the influence of the energy of the high aeon spirit. The manifestation of these algorithms results in the jealous and the envious copying the genuine ones in devious ways.

So the charlatans grab the attention and silence the interest in the genuine ones. That way the charlatans can then keep alive the myths and the deceptions that the corporation wish to be the spell that subdues the apparent mortals on the earth. The corporation fears that the genuine high aeon spirits, who are free radicals within the apparent reality. will spread the words of truth and destroy all the myths it has tried so hard to make as the 'modus operandi' of the spiritual path.

And the charlatans continue to fool the naive because that is what is written into reality by way of the frantic algorithms. And the genuine spirits ... they become ignored. Such is the desperation of The Demiurge to keep alive its myths about the origins of 'man'.  The beliefs and the ways of the pathway to spiritual enlightenment, that the charlatans peddle, is nowhere near the truth. It is an algorithm instruction that appears to work, but is a false trail that leads the followers into enforced recycling back into this apparent world.