Further Reading

Sunday 23 September 2018

Losing The Illusion ...

It's amazing how the wisdom of things change when you jettison all the unnecessary loads that burden you, like all the New Age bullshit and misconceptions. Those things that the eager sheep who enter into the psychic arena grip tightly with both hands. The garbage that spreads like chinese whispers around the psychic arena and quickly becomes the norm.

It's amazing what you remember when you realise all that bullshit is incorrect. It is fantasy and delusion. It is what the Pied Piper sings to lead the children away from the reality of it all.

There is a simple equation that is worth sharing here; knowledge + understanding = wisdom. Neither knowledge or understanding are good on their own. For understanding read life experiences. Sadly, so few of those sheep who feed off that fodder will get the true life experiences to reach the great sea and face the greatest fear. They are wrapped in the gossamer 'wings' of the wonders and delusions of unproven fantasies. They may well see 'their guides' or 'angels' but what are they really seeing? They believe in the clap trap so much; that external forces are there to do all the work for them, that their minds can create a solid thought form based on the fantasies they are fed.

When in truth the best person to totally trust is your true self; not an external force. Not something illusory you can blame when you get it wrong. There is only yourself in your reality. Learn to know yourself and trust yourself. Then you can rely on yourself to lead you in the right direction. That is wisdom. You don't need illusion .... 

So much of the psychic and spiritual field is illusion. 'Native American Guides'; 'Ascended Masters'; 'angels'; 'chakras' ...  nearly all the books and the workshops are filled with illusion and misconception. 'Opening your third eye'; 'gaining enlightenment' etc etc; its all been created by clever AI clones to mislead and deceive ... the new age industry is another means to wear a uniform and be misled by a false belief system.