Further Reading

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Dreamwork – Accessing the Hidden Messages From Your Soul

Waking Times: One of the defining moments in the adventure of personal awakening is the realization that we’re all actually working towards the same thing: our own personal evolution. The circumstances and actors vary, of course, but we’re all on the hero’s journey in search of that sacred relic which reveals our true purpose and gives us the strength we need to fulfill that purpose.

But as the quote above reminds us, we already have everything we need. Everything is already inside of us. Which means that our task at hand is not really about finding something that might seem lost, but rather it’s about understanding something that’s already right here with us.

In other words, the realization of our greatest potential becomes possible when we learn to communicate openly with the soul.

Dreams are one of the deepest wells of self-discovery. We spend about one-third of our lives asleep, potentially 30 years or more. That’s a lot of time… just think about how much you could learn in 30 waking years. In fact, of such great importance are dreams to the individual’s psychological development, Carl Jung, the revered spiritual psychologist of the 20th century, developed an entire practice of interpreting patient’s dreams as a personalized path toward integral self-development...read more>>>..