Further Reading

Sunday 31 March 2019

A Word on 'Snowflakes'

Here is a perfect quote from David Icke's awesome book 'Everything You Need To Know But Have never Been Told'.

The quote is taken from P377; here goes:

'Students once marched for freedom of speech, now, the snowflakes march against it. Far from seeing, let along challenging, the forces that will enslave them for a life time, snowflakes are on the front line pressing on to the next deletion of basic rights and freedoms. These PC provisional progressives are keenly supported by their political wings; facts don't matter to snowflakes whether that be researching them or believing them to be of any relevance. We live in a post-fact society. 

Manufactured divisions are being instigated to separate old and young. Older generations are being depicted as those who've had their time and should move aside to let the snowflakes take over. Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty years of experience are of no importance when snowflakes know it all already

The anti-old campaign has been most obvious with Brexit, where the majority of those voting to leave the EU were from older generations. Snowflakes have accused them of destroying the future of the young, when they had voted to save it. Snowflake programming means that being controlled and dictated to by dark-suit bureaucrats they have never voted for, and cannot name, constitute securing their future!

Older people voted for Brexit because they have had long enough to witness the effects on their country, community and freedom since Britain was signed into what became the EU (The Common Market) in 1973, by Ted Heath. The EU dictatorship is all the snowflakes have ever known and this is what has divided old and young perspectives, and united the snowflakes with the establishment which almost in its entirety campaigned to stay in the EU. Naivety may be touching sometimes, but it is potentially fatal to freedom.'

 The Snowflakes view point on life is fatally flawed, it seems. They have been targeted through technology; what they eat; what they drink; what they watch and how they react to controlled information on social media and the like. The very technology itself is flawing their cognitive processes, in a deliberate way to condense their opposition to oppression, and loss of freedom, to barely a whisper when compared with how loud we, the older generations used to shout!

The snowflakes are a deliberate mind control program, and mind alter, to help destroy our freedom completely. They will inherit this earth, and are helping to construct the vibrational prison they will find themselves in. But with additional mind control they will be programmed to respect and love their imprisonment. They are becoming mind controlled robots in readiness for the A.I take over.