Further Reading

Sunday 31 March 2019

Burn, Witch, Burn! — Theresa May Denounced as Liar and Traitor for Brexit Betrayal

David Icke: Today is March 29, 2019, the day we were meant to leave the EU for good. We haven’t. We’re still stuck in the EU and likely to be stuck in it forever, if our anti-democratic MPs have their way. “ONE LAST CHANCE!” the Daily Mailcries. “DARKEST HOUR FOR DEMOCRACY!” the Daily Express screams.“THE DAY OF RECKONING,” the Daily Telegraph howls.

The word “BETRAYAL” is heard everywhere, with the finger of blame pointed in one direction: at Prime Minister Theresa May. Reporter Allison Pearson writes in the Telegraph Commentary:

"From the moment Mrs May entered No 10, Brexit was in trouble. What May meant to be a great crossroads in the story of the United Kingdom has turned into a seven-circle roundabout of Hell. No champagne toast tonight. No three cheers for democracy. Not even half a cheer. Brexit, you were betrayed.” — The Daily Telegraph, front page, 29 March 2019

These two articles by veteran Daily Mail columnist Littlejohn are the most eloquent and outspoken articles the reader is likely to come across anywhere in the mainstream press concerning the treachery and duplicity of this walking catastrophe on designer heels known as Theresa May. I am as astonished, as I am delighted, to learn that the Daily Mail, a staunch supporter of Mrs May, had the courage to publish this incendiary denunciation of the Prime Minister and her Brexit shenanigans. It will give solace to the 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit over two years ago and were betrayed by the most duplicitous prime minister in British history, bar one, Tony Blair. At least Mother Theresa, to her credit, wasn’t a war criminal. She was just a cunning and consummate liar, a devious trickster, who was determined to wreck Brexit while pretending to deliver it...read more>>>...