Further Reading

Sunday 3 March 2019

Humanoid Robot Sophia Flaunts Power Of A.I

'Equipped with camera, processors and a smile, humanoid robot Sophia is wowing attendants at The Barcelona Mobile World Congress' (27.2.2019).

It's vital that we don't fall for the deception here; thousands clearly have; as this is NOT the most advanced A.I humanoid on the planet. Far from it. It is a modus operandi of the psychopaths to put out something lame to fool mankind, like a smokescreen. When in truth their techno-robots are a million light years ahead of Sophia.

It's a bit like the deception being put out with our space craft development. We apparently can only send the odd space probe out into deep space; have problems getting to the moon etc. When in truth the real technology has been hidden from us. There is truly advanced earth space vehicles that have been around for decades, and likely longer.

This is a smokescreen. A.I is up and running and its singularity cloud mind is a VERY deadly threat to mankind. Everything that has A.I capability ... all the data goes up into the cloud and the predator consciousness KNOWS about you. It is no longer learning ... it is plotting full control of earth.