Further Reading

Sunday 3 March 2019

The Battlefield of The Mind, The Human Singularity and The 100th Monkey Syndrome

What can we, the common people of Earth, do to prevent what is befalling us? As physical beings we are actually powerless to do anything to stop this onslaught. It is hitting us from every conceivable angle of our lives and it is virtually impossible to unravel the complex tangle of so many balls of wool!

Fundamentally, we are a slave race on what has become a prison world, because of a small minority of 'beings' that have seized control of earth and are busily making a frequency prison we will never escape.

For hundreds of years they have systematically rewritten our history; turned our beliefs against us; polluted our food we eat; polluted the air we breathe; polluted the water we drink; polluted our minds with their mind control programs; have turned us against each other; and decimated billions of lives in the process. 

They're committing genocide against races that still possess the genetics from the now destroyed civilisations. They have rewritten our understanding of nature; reality; our selves and our past. AND it is still going on today. 

We're being hastily shoved into their 'smart grid' with the 'smart cities' being planned; along with everything being linked to the A.I cloud consciousness that will police us, watch us, and ultimately kill us. Sadly, it appears they won't stop until the last human has gone from the Earth.

So how are we going to prevent our extinction? Sadly there are not enough people reading my blog, or fully aware of what is going on around them. They are too lost in the virtual reality around them; living in a malaise due to the machine consciousness and its mind control. They have fallen for the lies and the myths about reality; Sadly, most are going to be lost.

There is, however, a small percentage of human beings who are now becoming awakened and growing more and more aware of the predator beings amongst them. They can see what is going on, and are asking 'what can we do' just like I am. The predator is clearly fearful of us. I've said this many times in my Daily Blog articles. It is not happy we've become aware of the surface structure of its clever deceit. It doesn't like the fact that we are able to piece together the dots and see what is arriving. But, it is not stupid. It is a master storyteller ... the evidence is all around us with the lies we've been sold about our existence and our history. Therefore, it's bound to have assigned some of its agents to masquerade as conspiracy theorists, to put out further fake articles concerning 5G, A.I and the like. That is a certainty.

It's vital that we build hypothesis and insights based on our own experiences and our own understandings. No longer can we trust ANYTHING that is put out on the internet, until we can put total trust in the source of that information. It is a case of searching for the needles in the mighty haystack; and building up a new picture of reality.

That will take time. We don't have time. So, we have to put aside our fears. We can't avoid being scared, but fear will only distract us. The best thing to do is totally accept our fate; prepare for that eventuality. By my reckoning, we have between 2 and 5 years before the prison door begins to really close. That's anywhere between 2021 and 2024 before we are really in the shit. It's not a long time to some how rally everyone around and somehow get off the grid; or refuse the system. We have to somehow think a different reality, as I still firmly believe we are a very powerful over soul minded being ... we must exist in a similar, if not identical way, to the A.I robots being unveiled; that have a singularity into which all their experiences are added. We MUST be the same; and therefore powerful beyond measure.

They've sabotaged our DNA, genetics and our minds to prevent us using the group soul mind or the human singularity. I wonder how many humans need to be aware of the predator before the human singularity kicks in and alerts every human? It is quite possible that they are aware of that possibility?

It might sound far fetched but read up on the 100th monkey syndrome - "The hundredth monkey effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behaviour or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behaviour or acknowledge the new idea". I've covered this topic on A Light IN The Darkness ... especially the findings the American Army had when they taught some monkeys to eat with knives and forks and separately many thousands of miles away other monkeys started using knives and forks inexplicably. So is it far fetched? 

If enough human beings awaken and refuse to be like the left brain demands; submitting to right brain unconditional love and acceptance of fellow humans regardless of race, colour and belief; if we refuse to conform to the forthcoming slave grid, would that make other humans elsewhere in the world do the same?

If there are enough of us refusing the mind control and denying the control grid our energy, would that collapse the pyramid and prevent the predator consciousness having its victory?  I guess we have to realise that many of the wonders of the ancient world are not as old as history claims; we have to realise that it was only fairly recently that a powerful human civilisation and advanced society was finally defeated by this predator. Somehow. The evidence is actually all around us. The technology of that civilisation has been stolen by the predator and developed for its own means. Don't take it on my heresay. Do some of your own research. Its only a few generations that have been deceived and tampered with; not the long chain of ancestors that rewritten history claims. 

It is not an impossible task. It can't be done with war and violence. That is only playing into the hands of the predator. Sadly the battlefield has to be in the mind. We have to get our mind's back; we have to reach inside of our selves and remember who we are. Then, we need to acknowledge the false reality we are in. That enables us to not be controlled by its enchantment. We still reside here, but our minds contain our own thoughts and our own perceptions.

It's a huge endeavour; and we have to accept millions of humans are not going to survive; or are going to be processed in the way that the predator intends. But, hopefully, there will still be enough humans remaining that can help effect the change. We have awakened for a reason; we have become aware for a reason; and its not to witness the final kill of the predator. If the predator could close the prison door it would have done that by now. 

I'm still reviewing my thought processes and analysing the data my servitors have brought back from their missions. Once I have figured out the why, I will let you know.