Further Reading

Sunday 31 March 2019

The End Game

We thoroughly recommend reading this article in its entirety. Go to the original article by following the ...read more>>>... prompt at the bottom of the article. The End Game explains the human plight perfectly.

Waking Times: "Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows.

Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of gaining great power.

Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us.

Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men.

Only through blood could they have formed being.Only through man could they live in the world
”. ~Thoth the Atlantean

The Grand Cosmic Year of twenty-six thousand years ended on December 21st 2012. The auspicious date recorded on the Mayan Calendar when the age of Piscean materialism gave way to the mental Age of Aquarius.

In the reset from the old to the new, the rulers of this construct have paved the way for their vision of a new world order. They have abolished the remainder of our freedoms under the guise of safety and protection; blatantly stolen public lands for the benefit of their political oil and gas money machine, and other anti-life interests that keep them in power. Without a whimper from the public, government officials have scrapped environmental protection, opened up the wholesale slaughter of endangered species, and spied on everything we write and say…and still we sleepwalk through life thinking the future is a promise.

And, while we dream, the ‘smooth savage clean-cut nice guy of tv scenes’, the psychopathic beast that is elected to represent us is feathering its own nest and plotting our demise.

It’s time the cosmos knocked some sense into us….made us ‘real eyes’ what’s going on in a ‘whirled’ that seeks to divide us on every level: sex, class, race and creed. On a heart based level, humans are one Nation, one Archetype … So, why have we allowed the programme of Duality, and our inherited thought forms to divide us?

Does our path in life have a heart or are we cogs in the matrix machine?

In the isolation of the ‘special individual’, we have become polarised – controlled by our investment in self to become pawns on the chess board of life, and at the mercy of pull and push governments, out of control dictators, and faceless corporations…entities that have done everything in their power to destroy our spiritual connection to Source Creation….and trample on our hearts.

When we consider all the ways we are being betrayed by the elected snake oil salesman that are supposed to represent us…. it is breathtaking!

Constant war; starvation by design; weather manipulation; nano particulates sprayed into our environment to modify our DNA; fluoride in our water; gmo’s; vaccinations; glyphosate laced food; the decimation of our wildlife; the deforestation of our planet; destruction of heart based music; and of course sacrificing us on the digital altar of destructive science....read more>>>...