Further Reading

Monday 1 April 2019

Praying “in the name of Jesus” now labeled “Islamophobic” by the increasingly deranged, anti-Christian Left

Natural News: The far-Left is having an absolute meltdown over a recent prayer given by devout Christian lawmaker Stephanie Borowicz of Pennsylvania, who dared to open up the legislative session by praying in the name of Jesus Christ – and was thus declared by Christ-hating Democrats to be “Islamophobic.”

Mainstream media articles quickly spread across the internet chastising Rep. Borowicz for practicing her Christian faith, which was apparently “offensive” to fellow Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell, a Muslim woman who proudly wears her religious hijab without objection from Leftist Democrats.

Eager for her 15 minutes of fame, Rep. Johnson-Harrell quickly leapt into the spotlight when asked how she felt about Rep. Borowicz’s prayer, declaring it to represent “bigotry” and “hatred,” simply because it doesn’t align with her own Islamic beliefs. 

Rep. Johnson-Harrell stated that the prayer was “highly offensive” both to herself, her guests, and “other members of the House.” She added that the prayer “blatantly represented the Islamophobia that exists among some leaders – leaders that are supposed to represent the people.”

“I came to the Capitol to help build bipartisanship and collaborations regardless of race or religion to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the Commonwealth,” she added.

Islamic imam prayed TWICE before House of Representatives: isn’t that “Christophobic?” 

Interestingly enough, nobody found it offensive or became upset over the fact that an Islamic imam gave the opening prayer before the House of Representatives – not once, but twice – in the aftermath of 9/11, even though Islam does not “represent the people,” as Rep. Johnson-Harrell believes to be true about Christianity....read more>>>...