Further Reading

Saturday 4 May 2019

Globalists Are Bringing Their One World Currency Plans Out Into The Open

[Humansarefree]: Over the past year, the globalists have become absolutely brazen in flaunting their endgame for a single global currency system. Yes, it is time to be concerned. But there are people out there who will tell you that the notion is “far fetched”. They will tell you that it is “doom porn”, and they will tell you it is “conspiracy theory”.

The evidence says otherwise. The evidence says it is conspiracy FACT.

Much of the argument against a one world currency hinges on the notion that the US dollar is too entrenched to be replaced anytime soon. In terms of a deliberate collapse of the dollar, the concept is simply too much for some people to wrap their heads around. The dollar is the world reserve currency, how could it possibly come under threat?

King dollar bias is at its peak today, and the delusion that the dollar is some kind of untouchable and essential apparatus infects the economic world like a cancer.

There are two kinds of people who argue that the dollar cannot be dethroned – those with an agenda who seek to keep the masses oblivious to the threat, and the useful idiots who have attached their egos to the fiat currency like it is some kind of national flag. Their arguments go a little something like this...read more>>>...