Further Reading

Saturday 4 May 2019

The Insane Globalists Perceive A Different World To Us

I've often wondered how the crazy globalists view this world; how their perceptions differ to us the 'Goyim' as many see us. Many of us firmly fixed at the bottom of the pyramid are currently aghast with all the horror stories the Global Elite are generating through their media channels; their fake New Age movement and their fake conspiracy sites. There is a complete and utter panic going on at this moment in time. 2019 really is a seemingly confusing and hopeless time in current human history.

I've contrived to think like one of them and to have the realisations they have; because after all we are all of The One are we not? That's the theory. We share each other's shadow within our psyche and it is supposedly possible to reach out and touch upon one of their shadows in our mind - right?

Or, more accurately, we all upload our daily experiences into an 'Adamic Man' or 'Homo Sapien' Cloud. Our apparent physical bodies in this apparent world, are a form of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE after all. This is the basis behind the Akashic Records that everyone in the New Age Mumbo Jumbo club get to learn about. They are taught to do wonderful journeys up into the Akashic Record to find some of their past lives. They come back from the journey thinking they are all Egyptian royalty or members of Atlantean society. This will happen when your ego is not under control and it calls the shots. The passage into the cloud is effectively 'fire-walled' to prevent entry. 'THEY' don't want us to discover our true origins and our true history that is contained there do THEY? That's why people come back from their meditations with utter crap. UNLESS you have somehow gained the access codes to get through the firewall. These are gained, apparently, by overcoming the ego.

Anyway, I digress ever so slightly; THEY are trying to confuse us with every aspect of our existence. AND, they are doing a really good job. But there is a problem ... it's all not going as they planned. It's not as advanced in its stages as it is supposed to be. And this is why there is total mayhem at the bottom of the pyramid these days.

They want us to view ourselves as one life accidents on a planet that we're destroying on a daily basis. They want to entice us to give up our remaining freedoms and become ROBOTS ... their slaves to feed the machine they have created. They are working really hard to scare the shit out of everyone. So everyone will believe the thoughts they are so adamant we must think; so we will perceive the life they want us to perceive. 

Perception vibrates on different frequencies. We all might be on the same planet; but our perceptions shape what we see and the way we live. Those trapped in the fear factor; locked into the hopelessness their agencies are trying to make us feel; will have a perception frequency which is not as high as someone who is not affected by their fear factor. I've said this before ...

It's necessary to totally disregard all the bullshit they are releasing into the public arena. You need to be a climate change denier; an anti-vaxxer .. and all the other 'names' they are calling those who refuse to fall for their enchantments.

Having seen the apparent world through the eyes of one of THEM; believe me we are a very limited perception of this world. Their perception is so much different to ours. It might be the same world they are on; but its a totally different reality. Their attitude towards climate change is hardly a blink of an eye ...

The Homo Sapien Cloud (Akashic Records) is a real phenomenon. And its very real that everything we do, think, see, taste and hear goes into those records. Ever since the genetic creation of Homo Sapien everything has been recorded. And it can be accessed. For an idea of what I talk about research the plans they have for A.I and their 'cloud' where all A.I's can learn from all the other A.I's around the world. That used to be us. It still is us. We've been tricked into it being a totally fable. We've been tricked into thinking our physical body is US. It is just an A.I form we've been linked to in order to make the A.I work ... we are the consciousness behind a synthetic life form. We are telepathic; which means via our cloud we can talk to each other.

I dread to think where we will go and what we will become when the 5G cloud around the planet occurs. We are already in a frequency cloud! Our virtual reality kicked into gear when all the ancient structures around the world were switched on ... and then we were transported into this reality. We are likely to find ourselves in a new world ... one with even less perception of what is out there ... scary.