Further Reading

Wednesday 7 August 2019

The LGBT mafia turns schools into cult indoctrination centers; all students who challenge transgenderism will be expelled and blocked from receiving an education

The world has gone stark raving INSANE! How the hell have we let this crazy madness happen? This is just another of the craziest things to come out of 2019. Psychopathic and non human minds are at work here. 

[Natural News]: Believing that there are only two genders, male and female, is now a punishable offense in Scotland, where the Cult of LGBT has reportedly seized control over at least one school and turned it into a den of indoctrination and political correctness.

A student at Mearns Academy in Aberdeenshire was recently kicked out of class, and later expelled, simply for trying to explain to his social justice warrior (SJW) teacher that, according to biological reality, human beings come in only one of two sexes.

The student, whom the media is referring to as “Murray,” filmed his teacher and shared the footage with the Archbishop Cranmer Blog, revealing the hostility of LGBT cult members who try to defend their pseudoscientific doctrines by force.

Why did you kick me out of class?” Murray is heard asking his teacher in the footage. “It’s not very inclusive of you” – to which the teacher responds by stating, “I’m sorry, but what you were saying is not very inclusive, and this is an inclusive school.”

Murray responds by stating, “That’s your opinion,” to which the teacher is then heard responding back, “That is my opinion and that is an opinion which is acceptable in this school. And I think yours, saying there is no such thing as anything other than male or female, is not inclusive.”

There are just two genders,” Murray then retorts back, prompting his teacher to become “visibly annoyed,” according to LifeSiteNews. The teacher is then seen biting his lip and turning away from Murray...read more>>>...