Further Reading

Wednesday 7 August 2019

We are not our bodies, we live in different dimensions

[David Icke]: IMAGINE a man coming home at night after a hard day’s work, slapping his well-worn suit on the dining room table and saying: “That’s it. I’m dead!”

It would be crazy, laughable for anyone to think that, minus our clothes, we would cease to exist.

Yet that’s like how most people go through their lives on earth with little or no idea of who or what they truly are.

The important point is this: You and I, and everyone else who shares this living space, are NOT our physical bodies.

Our body performs a similar function for human beings as a space suit for those who may (or may not!) have stepped on the moon.

Without a physical body, it is impossible to live in this dimension – without a space suit, the astronaut would not be able to set foot on another planet.

I have carried round with me from my early schooldays echoes of an experience I believe I had prior to my physical birth on earth.

I remember talking to someone or something who told me that as soon as I was ‘born’ I would forget everything – in other words who I really was.

I thought this was crazy and simply wouldn’t happen. But, of course, it very largely did.

The only experience I can liken it to is being in an operating theatre and being given an anaesthetic.

When they tell me that I will soon be asleep and when I wake up it will all be over, there’s a very temporary feeling of disbelief...read more>>>...