Further Reading

Sunday 19 April 2020

The Energy of Fear

[Be Happy]:Fear is a purely natural emotion and it is absolutely normal to experience it. If a person has never been afraid of anything, then that person is not brave, but crazy.

Fear is a feeling that is meant to protect us. It is the signal that draws our attention to a danger to our life, health or status. The right kind of fear mobilizes.

On the energy scale of vibrations from 0 to 1000, fear is relatively at the level of 100 – above sadness at 75, but below anger at 150. We need to learn to work with all these low levels to rise higher.

Low does not mean negative, negativity arises only when fear becomes our master instead of being our servant. When an essential part of our consciousness is at the energy level of fear, we begin to perceive all of life and our surroundings from a state of fear, and consequently we also make decisions from this state. Fear prevents us from seeing possibilities and taking advantage of them. It prevents us from living our life.

Such fear is destructive – it does not mobilize, but it paralyzes. So what should we do when faced with fear? The first step necessary is to recognize the existence of fear. As the German psychologist Karl Jung wrote:

“What you resist not only persists but grows in size. What you accept – disappears.”

And to allow yourself to be afraid (i.e., without feeling guilt or shame about it).

“A warrior never worries about his fear.”
(Carlos Castaneda)

After which, it is necessary to take action.

“Action cures fear, inaction creates terror.” (Douglas Horton)

But how do we take action when we are afraid? There are only 2 ways to do this.

1. To change our consciousness, i.e. in any way which allows raising one’s level of vibrations to a level on the energy scale at which fear is impossible. And then to act out of this state. This way is to: first be, then act.

2. To act in spite of fear, focusing on the action itself. With success, fear disappears (or greatly decreases), and thus the overall level of vibration rises. This way is to: first act, then be (changing the level of consciousness through action).

Of course, the best way to change one’s level of consciousness is to change one’s thoughts. But this is not always easy....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...