Further Reading

Sunday 19 April 2020

Traffic light system to get out of lockdown: Schools, hairdressers and clothes shops could reopen from May 11 while over 70s face a 'red' signal for a YEAR - as ministers push Boris Johnson to let the NHS 'run hot' by using spare capacity to speed up exit

And now for a daily dose of MSM propaganda and BS:

[Daily FEAR Mail]: Anger has been rising at the sense of drift in government with the PM recuperating at Chequers.

It emerged on Friday that Cabinet has asked scientists and medical experts to present options for lifting the lockdown in a fortnight's time - suggesting there will be no formal plan unveiled before then.

But some senior Tories, along with Labour leader Keir Starmer, have been demanding quicker decisions amid mounting accusations that handling of the pandemic has been bungled. Shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth today accused ministers of 'treating people like children' by refusing to set out options.

Insiders pointed out that despite the strain on the NHS there were 2,700 critical care beds empty last week, and scientists now believe the reproduction rate - the 'R' number - for the virus has dropped below one in the community, meaning its prevalence is shrinking.

Ministers such as Chancellor Rishi Sunak are increasingly alarmed at the hit to the economy, with the OBR watchdog warning GDP could plummet by a third with millions of jobs lost.

However, Health Secretary Matt Hancock is believed to be among the senior figures anxious about releasing the handbrake before the government is certain there will not be a devastating second peak in cases.

'The debate is now between people who think we should suppress the virus completely and those who think we should run things quite hot, use the spare capacity in the NHS and aim to keep the R number just below one,' one official told the Sunday Times.

Another senior insider said: 'You have to be clear. Running hot means more people are likely to die. That's the decision the prime minister will have to take.'...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...