Further Reading

Monday 8 June 2020

Daily Merlin - ' Tonight's Sensationalistic MSM Claims'

We've sadly been at this point many times before in the '3-5-7 Mystery' as we call it. Accusatory MSM and their click bait stories are nothing new with the disappearance of MM.

In the past it was the Portuguese police pointing the finger. Anyone remember the 'blood on the wall' stories? The blood that turned out to be pig blood in the end.

There's been endless suspects paraded before the world, many strong claims that this person, and that person, had carried out the deadly deed ... only for the story to be unproven. Robert Murat for example.

Now, here we are in 2020, thirteen years on, and the MSM are up to their old tricks. This time it's the German police saying 'they can't find the body but they know the girl is dead' ... the same type of headlines that have been written before ...

We refer to tonight's cloud making machine effort, just like we said the recently... the story was going to crank up with a storyline .... so tonight we have 'The teenage girlfriend Madeleine suspect Christian Brueckner 'beat black and blue' before they split - as German officials say they have 'evidence' British toddler is dead

Quite unnerving wouldn't you agree? That is if you don't remember events in 2007, and know all the twists and turns; plus have some insider knowledge of the whole thing ...

So, here were are again, and it becomes tiresome doing this ... we did this around fifteen times in 2007 back then with the Daily Express BS ... providing a Daily Merlin Insight to explore the headline.

Again using The Servants of the Light tarot, we asked if there was any truth in the German Police claims, and if MM was indeed linked to this situation in anyway.

The central image is The Empress, which traditionally is Kate McCann. The card above shows a woman with two twins behind her. Again a suggestion of the McCann family. The Flaming Sword is another of the traditional cards linked to the McCanns and the situation. But no Shining Star, which is traditionally the card of MM.

The Four of Staves is the good health card which would not be associated with a situation where a young person has perished.

The two of Crescents is traditionally one of the images used as a 'warning bell' that things are not what they appear to be.

The Six of Spheres again set the warning bells ringing as it indicates financial gain being obtained as a result of this story.

The Three of Weapons is a strong indication of a deliberate intention to mislead and to distract.

The only conclusion is to dismiss the claims of these new's stories no matter how 'strong' the evidence is that is claimed here. It seems that there is someone who is wishing to direct their cruelty at Kate McCann, since she is the central image in the spread. It's a direct attack at her personal heartbreak that hasn't gone away in 13 years. The attack appears personal ... and very bitter & twisted.

Also, there seems to be an attempt to break a vow of silence with these wild claims. It's almost a 'we know you know she is alive and we are intent to make stories truly nasty in order for you to reveal you know she is still alive.'

Someone above the MSM editors know about what the McCann's know ... about what happened when MM first went missing. The group of doctors the McCanns were with when she went missing ... and all that was staged at that time ... 

We can't stress enough, that a knowledge of events of 2007 is necessary ... because those that are giving the instructions to have these stories published are hoping that readers are not aware of what happened back then ....