Further Reading

Monday 8 June 2020

GAME ON: Using Unrest & Lockdowns to Rush Through Vaccine Bills

[The Highwire]: As the Coronavirus pandemic fizzles out, legislatures across America are restarting their engines in hopes of driving previously floundering vaccine bills across the finish line.

Fueled by an unscientific allegiance to Big Pharma’s product lines, state officials in Colorado and Connecticut, with more to follow, are eagerly hoping to capitalize on the confusion, misfortune and unrest in the country to springboard their bills through unnoticed.

Today, Colorado citizens are protesting a vaccine bill [SB 163] at the state’s capitol.

The bill discriminates against parents who choose not to have their child vaccinated with every single dose of vaccines currently required for school, by forcing these families to be subjected to state mandated reeducation or a visit with a vaccine provider to have their religious or personal beliefs validated.

This also applies to all vaccines required in the future, including a possible COVID-19 vaccine. The bill forces these families into a state tracking system with no informed consent or privacy protections that can and will be used for public health surveillance and interventions. The bill also creates additional, costly burdens for schools....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...