Further Reading

Friday 5 June 2020

NBC News trashes hydroxychloroquine to protect lucrative vaccine profits while Americans needlessly suffer and die

[Natural News]: One of the most vocal media opponents to hydroxychloroquine, the generic anti-malaria drug that President Trump touted as having benefits, is NBC News.

For the past several weeks at least, NBC News has been churning out story after story claiming that hydroxychloroquine does not help prevent or treat the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

In late May, for instance, NBC News cited a study published in The Lancet claiming that hydroxychloroquine does not help coronavirus patients. Instead, hydroxychloroquine “can lead to potentially deadly heart problems,” NBC News‘ Erika Edwards wrote.

This claim centers around the use of hydroxychloroquine either in isolation or with antibiotics, which is not how it is supposed to be used. As we previously noted, it is supposed to be used alongside zinc.

Edwards never mentions this, however, and instead paints a very scary picture about how hydroxychloroquine somehow increases the risk of heart problems, as well as death. The messaging, in other words, is that hydroxychloroquine might kill you and should be avoided....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...