Further Reading

Friday 5 June 2020

The Covid -19 Dead End Canyon & The Imminent Ambush By The Enemy

Here in the UK it looks like we are going to have to get used to being under medical house arrest for quite a while longer. It's clear they are playing delay tactics. They'd been warning about being reluctant to remove lockdown restraints. It's our lives FFS!

They warned that they were leaving the Covid-19 warning Level at 4, even though the unlock they'd done over the last two weeks was Level 3, as we'd met all of the 5 necessary criteria to move out ...

They then threatened that we might have to go backwards if there was any further outbreaks. All of this is a delay tactic.

Now today, the wonderful sick & twisted boys and girls at Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)... the so called scientists behind the lockdown science who the government are controlled by ... have announced the  R number is creeping up past the fabled 1. What total predictable BULLSHIT. What a lying bunch of Genocidal Gates stooges ... it's all so obvious what is happening.

This means a prolonged period of lockdown. We've been locked down since late March FFS!! This damn manmade bacteria known as Covid-19 is NOT RESPONSIBLE for over 40K deaths in the UK. NOWHERE NEAR! They've diddled the figures to make it look a dangerous disease. But even 40,000 deaths out of 67,128,000 is a fatality rate of 0.05958% ... hardly significant is it!!

This is all utter bullshit. They have no intention of letting us go back to what we had. They have no plan to reverse this medical house arrest. It's becoming more and more obvious day by day. We are like the foot soldiers who've been pushed by the enemy down a dead end canyon ... who know they are going to be ambushed at any time ...

And the corrupt and sick bastards are now springing their trap bit by bit. There is not a damn thing the UK populace can do but wait.